Killing 10 Minutes

The title is exactly what I'm doing. I have a couple of online class meetings and I like making blog entries. It gives me a break from trying to write something structured.

I'm supposed to be packing. Well, I was supposed to pack 10 boxes yesterday, and I totally didn't. My husband and I are moving in with his parents so I can focus more on school and less on work. In my defense, I only need 20 boxes total and I don't have to work down in my new town until Thursday. I can probably wait until Sunday to clean, since that's when they'll be packing all of our stuff.

On a huge plus side, I have auditions on the 5th or 6th. I haven't been involved in theater for years, and I've had this huge, sudden desire to get back to it. It's insane. If you haven't read my story "Become", it's an obvious side effect of this whole theater thing. I blame my boredom on the lack of theater in my life. So I get all absorbed in TV shows and movies because I don't have parts to play. I wanted to be an actress for a really long time, and then I finally realized I can be an actress, just probably not professionally. Never rule out the possibility that it CAN happen. If you are honest and genuine in everything, on top of being the ultimate professional, you can literally do anything. You will impact someone if you are genuine and honest.

Well, one of these days I'll write a blog that is just nonsense.

July 30th, 2013 at 07:55pm