Shoutout 4 Shoutout

Hey! So I know a lot of people feel like they might not get enough feedback on their stories, or any at all, I've been in that position.

So I was thinking if some people wanted to do a shoutout for shoutout with me?

Basically the dealio is that you give me a story or two that you want me to shout out at the end of my stories in the author's notice and in return you do the same thing! I don't care if you have 1000's of readers or 1, I just think this would be a more fun way to spread stories around to people and also more effective than the comment swap because that hasn't worked out at all for me hehe. We can also agree to do recommending blogs if that's easier. :)

If you think that sounds like a goodie idea, leave me a comment right here that you're interested and a link or two to your stories and I'll promote them in my next story/chapter I post, I'll just give you a link or two as well :)
July 31st, 2013 at 07:20pm