
my malan is almost done! (it was supposed to be done a week ago. I hate missing deadlines but I am a procrastinator at heart.)

sooo, school is starting soon.. not wonderful. although I'm sort of excited. not sure why. I don't really like anyone at school and I don't like waking up before 2 and I don't like the education system and atheists don't do very well in catholic schools and I can't wear band merch because uniforms.

But hey, i'm excited so I should cherish that.

Also I will probably be updating a lot more often once school starts, because that's what I used as procrastination last year when I didn't want to do work. Speaking of which I need to work on faoas because oops, I forgot.

Aaand, I'm also happy because I got a new book. I went up to chapter's today and I got Impulse by Ellen Hopkins and I've read most of her books including this one but she makes me so happy and i just asxkjf.

On a side note, is there anyone who knows how to set up a "donate" button or an ad on your tumblr? I'd prefer the donate button but i'm just being morbidly curious.

Well the cabin should be up soon and fight for me shortly after. Not sure when faoas is going to be up, and my malan should be posted tomorrow. Yay!
August 1st, 2013 at 02:02am