My Guide to Greek Gods and Goddesses

Okay, I'm making a guide for all the gods and goddesses within my story From the Darkness.

I'll post them as they came into the story, for now, and what "version" I am using; like if one has different sources saying two different gods were their parents, I am showing you which one I went with. If all of that makes sense. XD Afterwords when I have time, I'll alphabetize them.


Titan (male)/Titanide (female): the ones that came before the gods and goddesses. They were like giants to the gods.

Daimon: spirit

God (male)/Goddess (female): the Olympians. The ones that overthrew the titans, their parents.


Hekate Hecate
Greek: Εκάτη
Pronunciation: hɛkətiː or hɛkət or hɛkətɛː
Titanide/Goddess: magic, ghosts, dark moon (new moon), witchcraft, necromancy, crossroads.
Parents: Perses and Asteria

The Moirai The Fates
Greek: Μοίρες
Pronunciation: moirəi (these i's are the ee sound)
Goddesses: Fate, the destiny of man
Parents: Nyx (no father)

Klotho Clotho
Greek: Κλωθώ
Pronunciation: kloθo (θ = th sound as in with)
Goddess: part of the Fates/Moirai, spinner of the thread of life
Parents: Nyx (no father)

Lakhesis Lachesis
Greek: Λάχεσις
Pronunciation: Ləkʰɛsis (i = ee sound)
Goddess: part of the Fates/Moirai, measures the thread of life, appoints people's fate to some degree
Parents: Nyx (no father)

Greek: Άτροπος
Pronunciation: ətropos
Goddess: part of the Fates/Moirai, cuts the thread of life
Parents: Nyx (no father)

Hades Haides
Greek: Ἁδης
Pronunciation: heɪdiːz (ɪ is the sound of i as in Bit)
God: underworld, death, the dead, hidden wealth of the soil
Parents: Kronos and Rhea

Helios Helius
Greek: Ἡλιος
Pronunciation: hiːlios
Titan: sun, guardian of oaths, gift of sight
Parents: Hyperion and Theia

Greek: Περσεφόνη
Pronunciation: pərˈsɛfəniː
Goddess: spring growth, Eleusinian mysteries, queen of the Underworld
Parents: Demeter and Zeus

Greek: Ζευς ή or Δίας
Pronunciation: zɛus or zūs
God: sky and weather, order, fate, law, king of the gods
Parents: Kronos and Rhea

Greek: Ἡρα
Pronunciation: hɛrə
Goddess: queen of the gods, sky, women, marriage, starry heavens
Parents: Kronos and Rhea

Greek: Δήμητρα
Pronunciation: diˈmiːtər
Goddess: agriculture, grain, bread, presided over mysterious cults
Parents: Kronos and Rhea

Greek: Στύγα
Pronunciation: stɪks or stykʰs
Goddess/Daimon: hate, river surrounding the Underworld
Parents: Okeanos and Tethys

Thanatos Thanatus
Greek: Θανατος
Pronunciation: θənətos
God/Daimon: non-violent death
Parents: Nyx (no father)

Greek: Αστερια
Pronunciation: əstɛria
Titanide: starry one, oracles, prophetic dreams, necromancy, astrology
Parents: Koios and Phoibe

Greek: Άρτεμις
Pronunciation: ərtεmis
Goddess: hunting, wilderness, wild animals, childbirth, girls from birth until marriage
Parents: Zeus and Leto

Askalaphos Ascalaphus
Greek: Ασκάλαφος
Pronunciation: əskələfos
Daimon: of the underworld, caretaker of the orchards of Hades
Parents: Acheron and Gorgya

Gaia Gē, Gaea, Terra
Greek: Γαῖα or Γη
Pronunciation: ɡeɪ.ə or ɡaɪ.ə
Protogenos: of the earth, "Mother of All"
Parents: None

I'll come back and edit this periodically and update it.

If anyone is interested here is the site I use most of the time.
August 5th, 2013 at 02:16am