Back once more.

I hate my 3AM to 7PM schedule. At least today, anyway. UGH, sleeping in until 8-9AM was HEAVEN!! But now my classes started and it's back to the old ball and chain. Oh well, I like my classes, Shakespeare and Emily Dickinson focuses you say? OMG YES. Anyway, I'm supposed to be prepping for my first class right now but it's not happening, so I'm writing this blog instead. Class doesn't start until 10AM and since it's only 6AM right now, I have ample time to prep. If I don't fuck it off that is. Which I won' long as I don't find excuses not to do it. Like...writing random blogs on mibba. EHHH, I forgot how to function this early. I shouldn't complain though. It's been YEARS since I took any semblance of a summer break of any sort, at all. I've always just signed up for classes. It's all I know how to do! Be a student! It's the only thing I'm actually really good at. I don't know what I'm going to do when I graduate this year. Sigh.
August 5th, 2013 at 03:11pm