it's 12:10 am and I have no inspiration (prompt me?)

So, I just updated Memories. I'm kind of stuck on Bittersweet, but I'm getting there and I should be updating by the end of the month.

Otherwise, I don't really have anything to do and do you ever just feel like you could write forever? Well, not forever but you're just itching to write something, anything at all?

Yeah. I'm in that mood, and I want to write something captivating, and emotional, and beautiful but I just don't have any kind of ideas /cry. I feel like I couldn't live without writing but I don't think i could make it as a published author so bleh.

All I can think about are these really horrible harlequin romances I was looking at the other day in K-Mart and I won't lie - I've been cheating on you Mibba. I've been reading from wattpad when I feel like reading really crappy stories about teenage love and I don't even know why. Usually, I can listen to music and get inspired, or find new music and get inspired or look around on tumblr or weheartit but dear jfc, it's just not cutting it today/tonight.

I'm on 8tracks right now (this app is my life son) and I love it and all but still. No inspiration.

I'm not going to be updating Memories for at least three more days and I already have like five chapters pre-written for it so I kind of don't really have anything to do. The scisaac one shot I'm writing for a contest is almost already done and the two NHL contests I entered, i have the layouts planned out so I just have to write it but I'm not really in the mood to write that, I dunno. I kind of just want to fix up my original stories that no one's ever seen but it's like asdfghjkl and it'll take me forever to fix it up because it's never been edited and yet it's like 20k words maybe? I wrote it for English10 and it's a scifi and I actually really freakin' hate it.

So yeah, does anyone have any really inspiring quotes, pictures, or prompts?
I'm kind of desperate right now and I've already been through the prompt section in the forums and it's just blahhhhh (not the prompts - my inspiration).

I need to write something that I'm proud of, something original and all mine, y'know?
I dunno, I'm kind of rambling and I was supposed to be asleep two hours ago because I have work tomorrow but my life's kind of a mess.

Also, I ran today with my dad. Yeah, I feel like running is like a detox and I love the after-feel but while I'm running I'm plotting ways to throw myself off of a bridge or I'm just yelling at myself. Which is kinda bad because I don't think you're supposed to be self-hating while you're running but I've really let myself go. I can't even run a 2 mile anymore and my one mile time is crap so getting back in shape for field hockey is going to be hell.

And I have to watch Teen Wolf tomorrow morning or I'll kind of just cry. yeah.
I have this thing where I really can't even write fanfiction with guys who have wives in real life and kids, it just freaks me out and I feel bad and disrespectful and if Isaac gets with Allison then I'm scared I'm not going to have inspiration for Memories anymore because I really love Seraac, I mean I've already pre-written halfway and still don't know where it's going but jfc I love Seraphine.

So yeah, prompt me? Please? I can't promise I'll write whatever prompt you give me but god, I'm bored you guys. I'm just going out of my mind here. All right.

I think I'm going to try and go to sleep. I really should. Ugh.
August 6th, 2013 at 06:38am