Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed?
My closet actually doesn't have a door, so neither..or open I guess?

Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels?
No, although I always steal them. I haven't been to a hotel in a while though.

Have you ever ‘done it’ in a hotel room?

Where is your next vacation?
Gah, no clue. Hopefully, Big Bear. My husbs and I need a getaway.

Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
Yes, but for the record, someone had crashed into it and it was just lying on the street. Sad and bent. I actually don't know what happened to it.

Who do you think reads these?
People that want to steal them and fill them out themselves? I mean, they technically read your response as they are deleting it and writing their own, right?

Do you have a calendar in your room?

Where are you?
Living room.

What’s your plan for the day?
I have to read for my Shakespeare class, fill out and ship a customer order, and I don't know. Watch a movie..about a Shakespeare play.

Are you reading any books right now?
NO. Just plays and poems.

Do you ever count your steps when you walk?

Have you ever peed in the woods?
Yes. That's nature for you.

Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing?
All the freakin' time.

Do you chew your pens and pencils?
I used to have that really bad habit of doing so. But no, not anymore.

What is your “Song of the Week"?
Umm. Tickets by M5

Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
Yeah I think so, but a subtle pink, like a plaid pink dress shirt.

Do you still watch cartoons?

Whats your favorite love movie?
I have absolutely way too many.

What do you drink with dinner?
Arizona Green Tea, like religiously.

What do you dip Chicken Nuggets in?

What is your favorite food/cuisine?
I don't know, everything.

What movies could you watch over and over and still love?

Last person you hugged/kissed?
My hubs

Were you ever a boy/girl scout?

Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
I don't know. Probably not, it's one of those.."what if my kids saw that"

When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
Too long ago.

Can you change the oil on a car?

Ever gotten a speeding ticket?

Run out of gas?
Nooo. Almost. Maybe?

Favorite kind of sandwich?

Best thing to eat for breakfast?

What is your usual bedtime?
like 10PM

Are you lazy?

When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
I didn't. It was devil worship! Actually, no. My aunt was just paranoid that someone would kidnap me so she always just took me to the store and bought me all the candy I wanted.

Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
Lucky? I got it for free when I shopped at Forever21

Which are better, legos or lincoln logs?
What the fuck are Lincoln logs?

Are you stubborn?
I like to call it conviction.

Who is better…Leno or Letterman?
I don't know, I don't watch either.

Ever watch soap operas?
Yes, but not so much anymore.

Afraid of heights?
No. Sometimes. I don't know.

Sing in the car?

Dance in the shower?

Dance in the car?

Ever used a gun?
Yes, very fun to shoot.

Do you think musicals are cheesy?
No, I love them.

Is Christmas stressful?
Not really, it's quite fun.

Ever eat a pierogi?
Don't know what it is.

Major annoyance right now?
I don't have one at the moment.

Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
A teacher.

Do you believe in ghosts?
I'd like to believe but I'm far too logical and no-nonsense type person. (<<I agree with the previous person)

Ever have a deja-vu feeling?
YES, what the hell is that phenomenon!

Do you take a vitamin daily?
If I remember to take it.

Wear slippers?
In the winter. Mostly, I'm barefoot.

Wear a bathrobe?

What do you wear to bed?
Bra and undies - any season. (<<YUP)

Wal-Mart, Target or K-Mart?

Nike or Adidas?

Cheetos Or Fritos?

Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Sunflower seeds.

Ever hear of, “gorp"?

Ever taken karate?

Ever kissed someone of the same sex?
Yes, for fun.

Can you curl your tongue?

Ever won a spelling bee?
Yup. Not like a national one or anything though.

Ever cried because you were so happy?
YEAH. When my hubs and I moved in together for the first time. When I got accepted into UCLA. And when I saw my best friend again in over 6 years.

Own any record albums?
ahh no.

Own a record player?
No, I want to though.

Regularly burn incense?

Ever been in love?
I am right now.

Hot tea or cold tea?

Tea or coffee?

Favorite kind of cookie?

Can you swim well?
No, I will drown in a 3ft pool.

Can you hold your breath w/o manually holding your nose?
I have to manually hold my nose, I'm too scared not to.

Are you patient?
Yes, extremely.

Ever won a contest?
Not official contests.

Ever had plastic surgery?

Which are better black or green olives?
I don't like olives.

Can you knit or crochet?

Wash room or bathroom?

Do you want to get married?
That's the plan.

Who was your High School crush?
Johnny Depp.

Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
No, that doesn't really work. And it's exhausting.

Do you have kids?

Do you want kids?
Yes, twins.

What kind of mom are you?
The kind that isn't one yet, but really really wants to be.

Do you miss anyone right now?

Who do you want to see right now?
My momma!
August 6th, 2013 at 08:14pm