It was my birthday yesterday! (+ questions)

I'm 17!


I swear a few days ago I was looking forward to starting high school and now I've finished school and I'm going into my second (and last) year of college before I'm off to University! This is genuinely terrifying. I don't want to be an adult and have full responsibility for everything in my life. As much as I'm really looking forward to Uni what comes after is a complete blank because I still haven't made up mind on what I'm doing. I know I want to work with animals but I don't know whether I want to work in conservation or care or whatever. I just don't know.

Anyway I had a really nice day yesterday. Nothing big, but a few of my friends came over and we watched films and things which was lovely. My grandma took me shopping in the morning with my friends and bought me a ton of clothes, including a new pair of black skinny jeans and some grey ones and some lovely tops, a shirt, shoes and sexy ass underwear and a new bag for college all on top of the £50 she gave me. The woman spoils me seriously.

Altogether I got around £170 in cash, £25 in vouchers, a few books, a poster, home made cupcakes, chewing gum and sweets, a kite (long story), a bunch of clothes from my grandma and a You Me At Six t-shirt from my friend. I've still got a few bits and pieces to come apparently as well as money from my Granddad. I've done extremely well this year :')

One of the films me and my friends watched was The Conjuring. It's meant to be terrifying and a few of my friends were terrified but it hardly scared me which is kinda surprising. Have any of you guys seen it? What did you think?

1. What did you do for your last birthday?
2. Have you got anything planned for your next one??
3. Best birthday present you've ever gotten?
4. Favourite age to be?
August 6th, 2013 at 11:14pm