All My Ideads Have Died

Seriously.. I cannot come up with anymore writing ideas. It's like the creative part of my brain has shut down and the workers are on strike or dead. One came back for a total of thirty seconds and then... GONE. Just poof and gone and I can't get it back. It just sucks and I miss it. I feel like a Dragon Age mage who's been made Tranquil...

Ah Dragon Age! It's GREAT, but it hasn't broke the lack of inspiration. This is worse than simple writer's block. There are NO ideas at all. Usually I can get some from my dreams or things around me and I got nada, zip, nein, zero. I need a new muse and to hire new creation section workers. I really thought that Pheonix and the Moon would be a real good one to write or even The Bastard of Demons. It's pretty damn good too. They all come to a stop. My friend gave me some advice to write the ending first and go from there. I'm currently trying that and if I can get it to seven chapters on my own - i.e. not putting it on Mibba - then I'll post it and go from there. Seems interesting. Demons and Paladins and possessed houses and a Miniature Doberman Pincher who thinks he's some big sh*t. First person view as per usual for me.

Hm...what else...Oh, I'm on the bounty board to write for a game. Its an in progress thing, very erotic, made by a great guy. And at the same time, me and a friend are working on our own game. Both are text based RPG's. Mine is Curse of the Beast and the prototype made me SUPER EXCITED. I just have to rewrite the first scene so that it is quite obvious my game is a spin off of Beauty and the Beast. Be pretty cool once it is all finished. Then I need to get a job. And a roommate. And a story written and published. One of these things will come to fruition one day.

So, I have one request. I needs some new readings. I like medieval, action, slight love, and a LOT of tragedy. Know any good ones? I have Weaver's Source in my subscriptions and it is freaking AWESOME. Those who haven't need to check it out. Warning: It is at a crapload of chapters at this point so make sure you have time for it!
August 9th, 2013 at 10:08am