My Shows

I am just so bad at this, -.- I will start watching a show then stop. I am currently watching 'My Bride is a Mermaid', 'Clannad', 'Hello Baby - Boyfriend', 'When Love Walked in', 'SHINee - One Fine Day,' and 'Me too! Flower'. I am watching revolution with my boyfriend but we watch it when he's home so I really don't have a problem. I'm trying to finish them one at a time but some of them are just boring, this were shows that were recommended.


Episode Counter:

My Bride is a Mermaid: 3/26

Clannad: 3/22

Hello Baby - Boyfriend: 5/12

Me too! Flower: 8/15

When Love Walked In: 20/32

SHINee - One Fine Day: 4/10

I just started 'One Fine Day' so I don't really have a problem, it's the other ones that I am having a hard time. I was really into 'When Love Walked In' but then I stopped for a while and haven't been able to pick it up again. Maybe after writing this I will watch some. :)

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August 9th, 2013 at 03:44pm