Acknowledging manly men is not reinforcing gender stereotypes.

Why do I feel like this has to be addressed? Like seriously is thar not the most redundant title you have ever read?

Okay so let's get one thing straight: Manly men exist. Like that's a thing. You can't pretend they're not a thing and all men are metrosexual/feminine/unisex/whatever because there are manly men in the world and they act manly and do manly things amd it's okay because that's what they like and they are their own people and cam like whatever they want and dress however they want and be whoever the fuck they want to be. So maybe who they want to be a little more mainstream than you... WHO FUCKING CARES?

And guess what, me talking about how a manly man probably wouldn't enjoy dressing in pink ans wearing a bow in his hair DOES NOT MEAN I AM REINFORCING GENDER STEREOTYPES. I'm just stating a logical hypothesis. Sure, maybe there is a small percentage of macho guys who wouldn't mind wearing a little mascara but the majority probably doesn't and that's the half I'm talking about. He likes sports and mudding and chicks? Then he probably isn't going to dig wearing lace and make-up. It's just a thing. Sorry (not really), but it is. This is reality and unfortunately, not every guy is this metrosexual, liberal ideal apparently you thing all guys should be. Oh fucking well.

Sure, those guys exist, but they aren't every guy, and when I'm talking about my own hypothetical situation with a generic manly man, yes, I'm going to assume that for the sake of my argument, he's just not into that sort of thing. He's into football and cars and girls with big asses and huge tits. That's not a "gender stereotype"; that's just a common trend among guys. I'm not saying every guy is like that; I'm saying generally, most "manly" guys are like that. I'm not denouncing guys who aren't like that, just not addressing them. They weren't my concern for the purpose of my statement.

And I think the worst part is that I feel the need to blog about this (not tyat I should, but the urge was too strong to resist). Because I guarentee most of you could give a shit. But this seriously bothers me. Like in a roundabout way, it's related to this whole slut-shaming thing (not really but go with me on this one). like some people seem to be under the impression (note that I said "some" & "seem"; this is just my perspective and you don't have to agree) that to keep from being a slut-shamer, you have to just be infinitely accepting and encouraging any time a girl does something that, no, she probably isn't that great for her (i.e. having sex before she is mentally, emotionally, and spiritually ready for it). Like, no actually, uou don't have to do that. You're not slut shaming a girl by telling her, honey, you are not ready forbthat repsonsibility yet, you need to slow down. In the same way, by accepting all gender identites and by accepting that not every girl has to be really girly and not every boy has to be really macho, THAT DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE TO IGNORE THE FACT THAT SOME GUYS GENUINELY REALLY DO ENJOY BEING THEIR ROWDY, MACHO SELVES. (ALSO, THAT IS PERFECTLY OKAY AND BEAUTIFUL IN IT'S OWN WAY.)

You can replace all the times I said man/boy/guy with girl/woman/whatever and every time I said manly/macho with girly/feminine and this blog would have the same message. If you didn't catch said message, it's the fucking title so there you go (also, anything I decided to scream is probably pretty important to because I'm svreaming it at you to make sure you heard). Serioysly, yall, why do I feel the need to address this? Eighty percent of you will be like "yeah, duh, why did I read this" which is great, but I'm hoping thisbwill catch that other twenty percent. Because of that twentu, there will probably be ten percent who are like "OMG WUT NO!" and then another ten percent yellimg the same thing only their just to be combative because I had a shitty tone throughout this and mibba seems to be on an argument kick as of late. Oh well, I welcome your hate. :)

(Also, I realize that the typos that are probably littered all over this do little as supporting evidence of my intelligence but hey I typed this on my phone and it's a littke scream with little keys so #sorrynotsorry.)
August 10th, 2013 at 10:48am