One Direction 30 Days Challenge: Day 2

I have neglected to do this challenge, but I am going to be them one day at a time still. I'm far too tight for time to do them all now. The next day of the thirty day asks to choose favourite One Direction moment.

I'm not going to lie and say it was when they got together but it wasn't, and isn't, possible for me to say. I did not know of their existence until they released What Makes You Beautiful, and even after that song came about, I was still unsure if I was impressed with their music. I'll admit I thought they sounded like they were using machines to enhance their voices. After listening to bands such as Led Zeppelin, The Smiths and Blondie, it was impossible for me to wrap my head around their sound.

It wasn't until I read somewhere online that Harry Styles listed his influences as Elvis Presley, that I thought I would give them another go - another listen, if you will. I think the first song I listened to intently, with no judgement, was Taken. I listened to it a couple times, repeating it every time it ended, and I realised these guys weren't half bad.

I continued to listen to more songs, sitting on my bed, laptop open, and my eyes shut. I was taking in every word and every note - trying to memorise all the voices. I began to realise I was hearing this one amazing voice and, because I didn't know their names yet, I watched some interviews. I focused on each person, committing each name, each face, each voice to memory.

I was pregnant at this time, so what I was seeing before me on screen were five very attractive males. My hormones were skyrocketing and I lost all intelligent thought. The voice I was attracted to - as well as the person - was none other than Liam Payne. He had every personality trait that I find attractive in a guy.

Anyways, I believe the question was asking me what my favourite moment of theirs was, and I can honestly say, it was when they released the second album and they sounded more mature. I could hear each and every one of their musical influences shine through in their voice. It was a magical moment for me listening to that second album.
August 12th, 2013 at 09:55am