This is something that has always been the case with Mibba. There are a TON of new users who join but don't get recognized. This is mostly because unless a new user uploads an avatar, he or she will not come up on the new member page. I've clicked on the last member shown on the page and have added a number to their profile to see how many users are hidden from introduction, and it's gone to about FIFTY members. That's 50 members who may get pushed away from the site because they are not welcomed. Then again, when I look at how many of the new users who appear on the page only have a comment or two welcoming them (if they are lucky, even), I suppose it doesn't really make a difference.
All in all, there are many new people joining Mibba, and I feel like our lack of welcoming them in by not being able to view them upon joining greatly loses their interest in the community. I have checked back with many new users I had messaged to see if they continued to use the site weeks later, and usually, they haven't. So many users are put off by their first impression of not being welcomed to the site. It'd be great if Dujo could make it to where ALL new users came up on the new member page so that everyone could be aware of the fact that Mibba is still inviting to many people from around the world, instead of the very small fraction of people who show up on that page.
Just some thoughts.