Author Cleaning. [Important; Concerning all of my stories]

School's coming up in just a few days time (FUCK) and I've come to realize I haven't accomplished SHIT.
So, with that being said, I've decided on some lovely Author Cleaning.
Meaning, stories will be deleted, previously 'finished' stories will be continued with a few more chapters, stories will get new layouts/banners/storylines/titles, and so forth.

Here's what I've ultimately came up with:

Stories To Be Deleted:
>Beautiful Disguise (It was a Brooklyn Allman FemSlash that I kept as a draft forever, and never really got around to doing SHIT with, so... Not too important, I guess, since none of you ever saw it)
>The Same Hopeless Obsession (Sequel; M. Shadows & Brooklyn Allman)
>The Damage Is Done (Johnny Knoxville)
>Baby, I'm Confused (Avan Jogia & Victoria Justice)

For The Same Hopeless Obsession, I've decided I'll be going BACK to His Morals Aren't So Well Defined. I'll continue HMASWD with a few more chapters, because the idea I have for Brooklyn and Matt... It's not BIG enough to be carried out over... What, fifteen chapters? I think, maybe, a little less than 5 more chapters will be added to HMASWD until it's finished.

So make sure to keep your eyes out for updated chapters on that!

But, anyways, that's all I have so far!

I plan to upload the sequel to Far From Home asap - But I'm probably going to shorten it up - TEN Chapters at the most for it, because I don't want Brian and Emily to go through anymore major drama - I've seen authors just bring crash after crash in each of their sequels, and I don't really like that, I think it's too much drama, myself.

But, if you're wondering, the stories that are ALREADY finished will be left alone. If anything, I think they'll be the ones to get a new layout just to make them look prettier, but nothing major.

And I'm also trying to decide if I want to go through the hassle of fucking uploading a Bioshock: Infinite (Elizabeth & Booker) and a Saints Row (Johnny Gat & Female Boss/OC) to FanFiction, or here. My previous Johnny Gat story was SHITTILY written, so...

We'll see how that goes. c:

Thank you for reading :D
August 14th, 2013 at 07:48pm