macklemore and updates

This really has nothing to do with macklemore except for the fact that i'm listening to his songs right now...

Oh and this is just me being me and complaining about my stories nbd

But hey I can't concentrate and i'm sick and I might just stop writing for a while????????? I mean of course i'll finish my stories it will just take me 9ever and they won't be as good (even though they're already crap i'm just going to stop rambling)

The only story I care about right now is falling asleep on a stranger because 12 days is a long wait y'know and I've already been kinda iffy with this story so I just want to get it done and yes. Ok.

I've also spent the last few days drawing and coloring and being artistic and honestly I love doing this because I only feel like this every once in a long while and I love looking at my art and being proud. I've filled up about 2/3 of my door and its lookin' pretty spiffy. :)

Aaaaand good news my mom's talking about letting me get a tattoo. Woo! And I just bought my pierce the veil wallet, and i'm going to Journey's in a couple days to buy my new shoes, so things are looking up, aside from normal family problems. But that's okay. Once i'm gone everything will be resolved.

PLEASE DONT PESTER ME MY STORIES WILL BE DONE EVENTUALLY PLEASE PLEASE. Read them all and then again and if you want a chaptered kellic then no, i don't know if i could do that, no...

anyways i'm just talking to a brick wall right now so i'll catcha later, stay swaggy
August 15th, 2013 at 04:07am