This Is The Story Of A Girl


I'm kidding but really this is the story of a girl who commented on a story of mine months ago (in October to be exact). At first it was just a very nice comment and I hardly ever get comments on my fics especially the ones I was writing at the time (one direction fics, i wrote like three in one day lol oops). So I was blushing like mad and I was smiling so wide because someone actually liked my work. And I had to thank this person so I did and it sparked an 11 month conversation. I say 11 month long conversation because me and the girl who so graciously commented on my fic have talked every day since that comment.

Her name is Kayla and now she is sworethespark on here. I don't remember her first username, when I met her. (Sorry babe :(() But we became fast friends who only talked about One Direction (no really that's all we talked about for like a month). We were writing fics for each other, commenting on each others everything, calling each other babe and baby and telling each other I love you (for me it was a test to see how she would react because I knew I would end up liking her). Fast forward to around November I guess and I was supposed to be going to Florida for a few days to visit my dad for Christmas and I knew I wouldn't be bringing my laptop but I couldn't not talk to Kayla. Like there was no fucking way I could go through with that. So we exchanged numbers and I remember being so nervous to text her. I actually texted her at work so I had time to reply if I totally embarrassed myself in front of her. It turned out well and I texted her all weekend (my dad and sister were confused because I wasn't texting someone they knew of and I just remember being in the Disney parks glued to my phone. And one night my phone wasn't charged all the way and I sent a picture to someone and my battery almost died but I was at the park and I didn't know if I would be able to talk to Kayla and I nearly cried. In fact I went to the bathroom and lost it for a bit). So! After that trip it started our texts conversations 24/7.

We literally texted each other until we fell asleep and texted each other when we woke up. It was about a week before Christmas than I started having massive feelings for Kayla. (They were really there before that but I didn't want to admit it). I remember texting her 'Merry Christmas baby' Christmas eve and freaking out because I called her baby and it was because I wanted her to be my baby. Okay anyway it was a few days (maybe a week) after that when I told her how I felt. In true fashion, I sent her a message on here spilling my guts and telling her that if she didn't like me back it was fine but guess what? She does like me back. Eeek! We were elated and freaking out and blushing and it was fantastic. (New Years Eve we were texting and that was the first time I told her I wanted to kiss her). Fast forward to March 30th, 2013. It was the day after my birthday and my best friend and I drove two and a half hours to meet Kayla (at a Hardee's about ten minutes from her house). I still remember how excited and nervous I was seeing her get out of her friends car and I remember distinctly thinking 'oh my god she's so cute'. We hugged...multiple times and we were off on our weekend. Later that day I asked her via heart made out of clay to be my girlfriend and she agreed.

Fast forward to now, I've seen her almost every month after March (except for June but I saw her practically all month July so we made a sacrifice). I am proud to say that I am truly madly deeply I am foolishly completely (sorry :p) in love with this girl. This amazing, gorgeous, kind, compassionate, driven, intelligent, sexy, adorable, confident, fucking fantastic girl. She's all mine, forever. It was only a few weeks after being officially together that I knew I will be marrying this girl. Call me crazy, tell me I'm just in puppy love, doesn't matter. I love this girl and I will marry her one day. We will have two kids and live happily ever after.

I'm not entirely sure why I'm writing this now, I guess to tell everyone that I met my wonderful girlfriend (wife) on this website and I am so thankful. I know none of you had a hand in that but thank you. Thank you creators of this site because without this site and without One Direction I wouldn't be with the love of my life.

Kitty, I love you so much. I know we've been through a lot recently but we'll overcome everything. I believe in us so much and I love you so so so so much. I'm so happy you agreed to be mine. Thank you for the best 4 (11?) months of my life. I can't wait until forever.


p.s if you actually read all of this thank you omg. by the way go check out my girl's stories. she's fantastic. my baby <3
August 16th, 2013 at 12:12am