Hail to the King video is here and I'm in love!

I was so excited to see it posted on Facebook! I wasted no time heading straight to youtube and checking it out... and I loved it!

I love that it's all in black and white... it gives it a really clean and sharp kind of look.. I dunno. I just like it better that if it was in colour!

Here's the link, for those that missed it:

Hail to the King

And I dunno what it is... but I can't stop focusing on Johnny in this film clip. He just keeps catching my eye and I feel almost compelled to look at him. What's that all about? Hahaha. I always had a soft spot for Johnny... but in this clip he just looks so... sexy! He's grown up! I about started drooling when the shot of him alone towards the end popped up on my screen... phew!

Normally I'm a Zacky girl (or Matt, before his hippy hair...sorry, I don't like long hair on any guys, just not my taste) so I was surprised to find how much I was focusing on Johnny in the video. He's always had kind of a boyish quality about him to me, but not anymore... he's all man!

Okay, enough ranting about Johnny...

what did you guys think of the video?!
August 16th, 2013 at 01:52pm