
So, I am a huge fan of the Jackass team (Wee Man, Johnny, you know 'em). Well, I found out from my oldest sister that Wee Man is going to be at the bar four houses (buildings, perhaps?) from her house, which is completely awesome.

Of course, I am going to be needing my ID, which I have somehow misplaced between June something to now. So I'm going to try and hopefully convince my mother to take me to the BMV to get a replacement. Which means, I just might get to meet one of my favorite people tomorrow!

*Super happy girl dance*

On the other hand, I am crossing my fingers to getting a job here soon -- within the next month -- and getting cable, because there is no way on this big ol' rock we call Earth that I am going to miss the Doctor Who 50th, nor the Sherlock Series 3 premiere. Just. Isn't. Happening.

Plus, I sort of miss babysitting and watching Jake & the Neverland Pirates. Yes, I'm 22 and I like that show. It was rather awesome. You just can't not like it.

Well, Mibbaland, I am scooting for the night.

August 17th, 2013 at 04:52am