Blogging rule reminder. Please just skim through it. :)

Hello everyone, I'm about to go to bed and I thought it would be a good idea to write a little rule reminder for those who may have forgotten or those who are new to the Mibba family and just don't know. Yes, I do say family because we can be a close-nit community if allowed.

My name is Brittany and I'm a blog and board moderator for Mibba. It isn't my job, it's my hobby. I don't get paid to spend most of my time making sure the rules are followed, I volunteered because I love Mibba and it's users. Just saying, if you blog I more than likely stalk you.

Before we get the show on the road, if for any reason you have any questions or you spot something that may be breaking the rules please do not confront the rule-breaker. Please, please, send a message alerting either a blog moderator or an admin. We don't bite... unless asked. But even then we don't bite hard.
Blog Moderators

And don't worry about remembering who we are. Some of us (me especially) change our usernames on the daily. To find us click on the Members tab at the top and then select who you need. (Administrators, Board Moderators, Story Editors, Magazine Staff, Blog Moderators, Poem Editors, or Article Editors.)

Where exactly are the rules, you may be asking. Well, scroll down to the bottom of the page (You can't do this while in a blog so open up another tab.) and you'll see a small bar with a few different white links. What you want is the Knowledge Base, the knowledge base is like it says, it's the base of all the necessary information on Mibba. There's F.A.Qs, Guidelines, Tutorials, anything you may need to make using Mibba easier. We even have it neatly categorized so that things aren't hard to find, and we are all the time working on it to make sure that it isn't worded wrong! By clicking on the Blogs tab you will be taken to a page with a few links click on Blog Guidelines and boom there you go! All the guidelines for posting blogs on Mibba! :)

Rule 1: Bashing, Public Ridicule, Threats, and being Condescending is not allowed on Mibba.

Bashing: It is wrong, and against the rules, to bash another user or their: ideas, opinions, beliefs, lack there of, musical taste, book taste, preferences, or anything that could and can be insulted.

I can't agree with a minor drinking, it's against my morals and I find it irresponsible.
I think if you're a minor and you drink then you are absolutely stupid.

You can express your dislikes if they are worded correctly. If it sounds like you are insulting a group of people then it is considered bashing.

Public Ridicule: Sometimes we get into arguments. Sometimes our feelings get really hurt, but that is apart of life. On Mibba you cannot go around talking about blahblah who is a member, and how mean and rude and just God awful she is. You can't take screen shots of your conversation and post them around on or off of Mibba*. You can't talk about the user in any negative way on or off of Mibba. Would you like it if I went around talking about you? No? Then why would you subject another user to that.

Rule of thumbs: Treat others how you want to be treated. You want respect? Then treat others with respect.

*By off I mean if you specifically name, link, screenshot a specific user and the specific altercation then that is considered public ridicule. It is rude (and wrong) to talk about a specific user this way. Same if you make a youtube video and go on a tangent about so-and-so Mibbian and about how stupid, mean, etc they are. The reason is, is because some people (if you are a tumblr then you know about the very mean anons) could/will come on Mibba, find that person, and cyberbully them. It is not uncommon for things like this to happen (though not common on Mibba). It would be very hurtful if because of your rant some troll-anon decided to get on Mibba, message A user and tell them how stupid, insignificant, or any other insult they are because of [x] reason.

Today I got into an argument with someone on Mibba. Their opinions really hurt my feelings and it kind of makes me not want to go back on Mibba...

Today me and little dove got into a fight. She is such a twat I can't believe she actually believes and says the things she did! I swear, Mibba would be such a better place without little dove, Brittany, or whatever the hell her name is. She's so stupid. Ugh.

Threats: This one is easy, threats are not allowed on Mibba. You can't tell someone how they deserved to get beat. You can't tell someone how they deserve any nasty name. You can't tell someone how you want to kick their face in. You can't. You cannot make threats on Mibba.

Condescending: It's kind of hard to read everyone's tone on the internet. Actually, it is very hard. Which is why we, moderators and admins, consult each other. We talk about instances of where condescending may be involved.

Say we are discussing the after life and I say that I believe it and nothing you say will change that.
User: Then we will have to just agree to disagree then.
User: Well, sweetie, if that's how you want to live your life go ahead, but you really need to wake up and read a few books.
There was a bit of a sting there, ehe? Making blanket statements about someone's intelligence is seen as being condescending. And you will get reported for it here on Mibba.

A few words to avoid when in debates: honey, sweetie, darling, babe, sweetheart. It makes it seem like you are undermining the person. Also, don't use "lol" if the debate wasn't meant to be funny, or use the smiley face. I know that seems like a lot but it can be rude. "Lol, well, I guess you were just raised that way." "Maybe you should pick up a dictionary. :)"

Rule 2: Blogs must be 100 words of original content.
  • Copy + Paste: any blogs with only copy and pasted material is considered spam and does not count towards your word count. If you didn't come up with the words (surveys/questionnaires/etc) then they don't count, only your answers will.
    Repeating: If you only wanted to write a sentence and be done, then you decide to repeat the sentence fiftyeleven times then that does not count. Only your first sentence will.
    Advertising: Advertising your products or anything you profit from is not allowed on Mibba.
Rule 3: Other forms of writing cannot be posted as blogs.
Mibba is a wonderful site, there's places for stories, poems, articles, reviews, and tutorials. So utilize those places. Only blogs may be posted in the blog section of Mibba.

Rule 4: Swearing (and their censored counterparts) are not allowed in Blog titles
Swearing is allowed in the blog contents, although vulgarity is not encouraged.


Yes, there are rules for the comments.

1. Do not abuse, insult, or behave condescendingly toward another user in their blog comments. All discussion must remain polite and respectful.

2. Keep blog comments to the blog. If you and another user who is not the author of the blog are having a conversation that does not pertain to the blog then please take that conversation to your page. Unless the user has stated that they don't mind. We don't want to blow up the author's alerts now do we? ^.^

Tips and some extra information.

Please remember that other users are going to be reading your blogs, so if you can (you don't have to, please make your layouts for your blogs readable.) Sometimes we like colors. like hot pink and stop-sign red. Those are some hot colors, right? Well... hot pink font on red background is very hard to see. Same with having your text on a very busy background. Again, this is not necessary, make your blog layouts the way you want them! :)

You are allowed to post as many blogs as your beautiful heart desires. If that's thirty a day, that's great! Just make sure they meet the blog guidelines and aren't breaking the rules.

You are allowed to talk about whatever your heart desires as well! These are your blogs, your opinions are fantastic. If you want to talk about controversial topics and your opinions on them, go ahead. But please remember that while you are allowed to talk about your opinions and express them that others are therefore also allowed to contest your opinion and disagree. Opinions are not facts and they cannot be right or wrong. People will disagree, we are from all over the world, raised in different cultures, regions, morals, and different times. It would be silly to think that we are all going to agree. We just aren't. Also keep in mind, your opinions cannot be expressed in a hostile and bashing manner.

I don't like One Direction. Their music isn't to my taste, and I don't agree with their fashion sense either. To me they are just like every boy band around the world, and I'm just not into that.
How in the hell can anyone like 1D?! Their music is shit and they dress retarded. They are the same as every other stupid boyband and I wish the band would just disappear.

Mind you, those are just examples. I think 1D dresses quiet well and I do enjoy a few of their pop-y songs. :)

Not all disagreements are attacks. Not all opinions are offensive. Just because you disagree with it doesn't mean it shouldn't be here on Mibba. Disagreeing isn't a bad thing either! I've gotten into plenty of disagreements with a few users and have become great friends with said users. Sometimes our differences can actually bring us together. :)

So, if I haven't welcomed you then Welcome to Mibba, if you aren't new then HEY HOW ARE YOU? This is Mibba, it is a wonderful place for wonderful people and their writings. Enjoy it!
I feel like I'm forgetting something but that's probably because I am really sleepy. If you have any questions, if something I've said has confused you, or you just want to get a little friendly drop a comment and I will get to it as soon as I can.

I hope you all enjoy your Mibba-experience.

If you need anything then don't be afraid to message me. I will help in any way that I can, if it's reading over a story for you, writing a promotional blog, making you a blog/poem/story layout, or just answering a few questions. I will do my very best to help.

August 19th, 2013 at 02:59am