The horror and a miracle.

I bet you're wondering on how far I went on my major project from my last blog post? Well, I never finished it. I did as much as I could. And last night was awful. I messed up some parts and I basically gave up. This morning, my Mama had to whip me into shape when I wouldn't get up for school. I was miserable, basically. I did more work on it this morning before handing it in just then.

My favourite art teacher, the one I had from year 8 to 10, not the one I currently had, was so excited to see the completed work and when I handed it in, the disappointment was so apparent that it made me feel worse. The thing is, art is always my passion and it's something I am good at. But for me to fail that spectacularly just kills.

And then it was like I had the worst luck ever when I arrived home to find I was locked out! But I could see my cat, A.g pawing at the side door which is one of those sliding ones with a simple push down lock. I kept poking at the lock and my kitty kept jumping to try to reach at it until...

A miracle had occurred. He managed to get the lock handle down.


Let that sink in your head.

My kitty jumped up and unlocked the door.

It's incredible because A.g is generally not a smart cat. And now he's walking around all blase like it never happened. I texted my mum on what happened and she didn't believe me.

I feel better in a way because of what happened but I still don't feel as good. I probably won't be for another week, when the other project is due. Next Monday will be an incredible day - also because A7X's Hail to the King is out roughly around that time.
August 19th, 2013 at 06:02am