I wrote a poem! RECOMMEND ME STUFF.

It's been floating around my head all day so I finally got fingers to keyboard and whacked it out for you guys. It's very short, and I'd love for some feedback on it.

We can do a poem comment swap? You comment first and you get roughly what you give?
Here are my other poems I'd like feedback on if you want to do more than one:
On Escape
Armfuls of Stars

I'm not much of a poet but these few are the ones I really love. I have others but they were written a long time ago and so I'm not really sure whether I like them or not. I might have a look through them and take them down later. I should probably do that with a few of my older stories as well :')

I'll have a big sort through and try and actually update for the first time my summer writing project tomorrow :') I'm actually so crap at updating lately it's pretty shocking.

I have a feeling this may be too short, so I posted this earlier but no one did. I would really like recommendations of stories. I'm in the mood for funny romantic stuff but I'll read anything. No fanfiction other than Twilight (very rare I find one I like), Harry Potter, Hunger Games, or something where you don't need to know about the subject the story's about.

August 20th, 2013 at 01:01am