What I used to think of the staff and I'm looking for some judges.

I've been wanting to post a blog like this for a while but the blogs section isn't my domain so I instead spend the majority of my time on Mibba either in the article sections of the site (which is my domain - yay being an Article Editor) or lurking in the forums (the section I was torn about when I applied originally). But every so often I'll venture into the blogs and hope I don't get jumped by the blog mods for being in the wrong section (which, back when Sean was a blog mod, I jumped her for venturing into my section, thank you ::file:), and this time I just want to let out what I thought of the staff before I applied and became an Article Editor.

1. Gets a comment from a staff member? OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE ARE THEY GOING TO BAN ME WHAT DID I DO?!?!?!?! (then the panic would subside once I'd read the comment and realised, phew, I'm not banned)
2. I really want some clarification but I don't want to message an Admin just in case I annoy them and they decide that they want to ban me but I really need this clarification so instead I'll just not do whatever it is until I see it being addressed somewhere else by someone else because then it's not me who is annoying them
3. A person really needs to be reported but I don't want the Admin to think I'm one of those people and what if they're friends with that person and they just laugh about me and I CAN'T SOCIALISE WITH THE STAFF
4. See an Admin post in a thread I frequent? Avoid it like the plague until at least one more page is gone because then I can just pretend I never saw it
5. Should I post this story but what if a story editor doesn't like the genre or content or pairing and they delete it for the sake of it is it really worth it oh my god I just shouldn't post stories altogether because they're probably judging me and thinking I'm messed up for writing about death and OH MY GOD WHAT IF THEY GET OFFENDED
6. Constantly worry about my pending article until I get the alert saying that it's published and isn't entirely terrible
7. Do the board mods read our story planning in the joint story thread what if they think it's pathetic and decide to delete it should I voice my concerns to my co-authors no don't be silly they won't do that BUT THEY COULD WHAT IF THEY DO BECAUSE THEY HATE ME

For this month's Mibba Magazine, we hosted a "Health" contest that's deadline is in six days. I'm looking for anyone who would like to be a judge for the contest because we like having non-staff members help with judging so that there's no chance of it being staff biased, and also because fresh eyes are always great each month. So if anyone would like to be a judge, please PM me and I'll get you listed and everything!

Anyone can be a judge, just so long as you're not a participant of the contest because that just wouldn't work.
August 21st, 2013 at 12:41am