Poetry Recommendations

I'm too lazy to sift through all of the poetry on here xD soooo, I was wondering if anyone would recommend me their poetry? I don't mean to come off as rude, but it would really be nice if you'd recommend me your best works. I like to give constructive criticism, and when a poem isn't someone's best or is something someone wrote when they were very young and decided to post it for fun or something, I really don't want to read it because there won't be enough positive criticism to balance out.

I want to read something you think is special- something you think is your greatest masterpiece yet. I would ask for you to recommend me stories, but I am too busy or just don't have the attention span to stare at the screen reading just words for long periods of time. So, please give me a link or something to your best poetry, and be prepared for me to try to find as many flaws as I do strengths. It's my goal to become a better critical thinker/reader. Not only does it help other users to read their works, but it also helps those who are doing all of the reading.
August 22nd, 2013 at 08:31am