Pregnancy Update *If Anyone Actually Cares*

I'm just writing this blog to update anyone who actually gives a damn about my pregnancy. Today marks 38 weeks, which would mean I'm supposed to be due 2 weeks from toady. Though I think my due date is off by a few days, just by doing some research and what not, but I guess that really doesn't matter anymore.

Anyways, I have low blood platelets, which apparently I've had them way before I got pregnant, and they have me on steroids to try to bring them up, because if they're not about 100 when I go to give birth they won't give me an EPI and then I'll probably just die of pain, and right now they're at the steroids seem to be working, but the thing is I have to go to the Cancer Center two times a week to get my blood drawn. It's usually Mondays and Thursdays. Well yesterday I had an appointment at 9:30 in the morning and we get over there and they said that their computers were down because their main station got flooded and told us to call back this morning to make me an appointment.

Well, we call back this morning around 8 and the girl said that I can come in at 9:30 and get my blood drawn. Now, I had an appointment at 10 with my OB and my mom told the lady that and she said that it would only take 15 minutes to get my blood drawn and everything and we were okay with that. Well, we got over there about 9:33 and I signed in and then this older lady came in right after me and this this older couple. Well, I had told my mom if they hadn't called me back by 9:55 or so then I was just going to leave because I had my other appointment. Well, 9:45 rolls around and they still hadn't called me back. About 9:47 the guy comes out and calls the people that CAME IN AFTER ME. I was like "are you fucking serious?" I had been sitting there for close to 15 minutes already and they called the fucking people that came in after me before me.

So we told they lady we'd have to come back because I had to go to my OB appointment. Anyways we get over there and we have to wait and what not. When the nurse took my blood pressure she said it was high, 148/84, and I explained to her that it was probably high because I was irritated at the people at the cancer center and then we power walked over here and that was probably why.

Well my doctor finally comes in and I had to explain to her while I was irritated because she was questioning my blood pressure and everything and then she was like "well why would you be irritated" and I was like "seriously" and ugh so done with doctors. Anyways I know you guys don't care about this stuff but she checked me out and said I'm 1 cm dialated and that his head is down, but I haven't had any contractions or anything. She wants me to come in Monday and get checked again because she apparently thinks I'm going to go into labor between now and Monday.

She didn't say anything about inducing me though, she might let me know Monday. It was supposed to be for next Friday on the 30th, but we're not sure. If I do find out, I'll post a blog either the day before or the day of to let you guys know that I'll be gone for a couple of days, so no one freaks out. But like I said, no one really cares about this so I'm probably just wasting my time lol.

One thing I have to advise is: don't get pregnant. lol. seriously. especially if you're weight cautious like me. I've gained so much weight and I'm considering starving myself and slipping back into my eating disorder after he's born. Plus, hemorrhoids hurt like a motherfucker. I feel like I'm dying lolz.

Okay, I'm done. I've taken up enough time now xD
August 23rd, 2013 at 09:49pm