What I think about the Admins

This has been going on for the past month. I've seen it all over Mibba and I'm not talking about specific users, this is a general thing everyone should read. The Admins aren't out to get you. They don't stalk you to ban you. They don't, neither do the staff. No one is singling out users. Everyone is equal on Mibba, that's the good thing about this site.

The staff and the Admins do a fine job.

There is thousands of users on Mibba. There is only four (though Dujo focuses on the coding aspects on the site) Admins for the entire site. So there is three, normal, human beings, who have to deal with thousands of users each day. They don't get paid for helping us. It's not a job, it's volunteer work. All three are human beings, like you and me. They have lives beyond Mibba, they went to school, they have families and they can't be on Mibba 24-7 even though they try.

Here is where you can find all the Admins:


Here is where you can find staff members for:






There is only a handful of staff members for each part of Mibba. They try their very best to be everywhere at once, but that's impossible. So they rely on users to report anything they see breaking the rules. If you see a user breaking a rule, do not confront them, take a screen shot and notify the corresponding staff member or directly to an Admin. I actually do both, if I see a rule breaking in the forums, I send my report to a Forum (Board) Moderator and to an Admin.

The staff member will report the rule breaking to the admins who will talk together to pass judgment on what will happen next. It's up to Mibba to report any rule breaking activies or users. If you don't report it, it might be unnoticed, though that's very rare. If you aren't sure if the user is breaking a rule, report anyway. A false report will harm no one, you won't get into trouble for reporting. The staff encourages you to report. Since the report button does not work, like I said, tell a staff member. Blog Mods are for the blogs, Story Editors are for the stories and so on.

All because you got banned doesn't mean the staff ignores all other rule breaking activies or users.

You got banned because you broke a rule. Plain and simple. If you think you were wrongfully banned, let an Admin know and they will gladly help you. However, users aren't banned willy nilly. Many things are taken into account before someone is banned. (I'm not an Admin but from what I read this are things they take into account)

Severity of the rule-break. If an user bashes another user, odds are they will banned quicker than if someone posted a story inside a blog.

How many times they have been reported. If an user has been reported many times for the same thing, they will be banned if they continue to break the rules.

How many warnings they were given. When staff members see discussions go out of hand, they will warn the offenders. Like in the blogs, if the comments are rude or somewhat bashing, a staff member will step in and place a warning comment so that it will stop. If it does not and the users continue, they will be punished.

Past Bannings. Which means if the user has been temp. banned quite a bit and they continue to break the rule, they will be pern. banned. Temp. bans are warnings for that user to stop what they are doing before the Admins have to take more action and they cannot come back to Mibba. There is second chances and even third chances for people on Mibba.

These are the ones I've read that are taken into account. If an user breaks a rule, all of these will be looked at before anything happens. If that user has been banned before for the same reason, they will be banned again. If another user breaks the same rule, but it's their first time offense or they hasn't gotten into much trouble, the Admins will give them a chance. The Admins give everyone a chance.

The staff and the Admins do their very best to help everyone on Mibba, do not blame them because you got into trouble.
I mean you as in general. It's not their fault an user broke a rule, it's not their fault an user bashes someone else or is condescending. It's the users fault, they made that choice. If you think you were treated badly, or banned wrongly, tell an Admin. I've already said this but talking to the Admins will help so much. Let them know.

I've seen seeing this too all over, if you see someone else breaking a rule that was similar a to the one you broke and got banned over, report them. Plain and simple, report them. I will not guarantee that user will be banned too, unless the Admins believe the user needs to be. Sometimes users slip though the cracks. Which is why it's best to report what you see.

All because you don't think something isn't offense doesn't mean it isnt.
It goes will if you think something is offense doesn't mean everyone else will the think the same. So saying the Admins are doing a shit job because they banned someone who didn't deserve it is wrong. That user was banned for breaking a rule. The Admins are very fair. This happened a few weeks ago. There was hostility on Mibba and blogs were posted and comments were added and many users got banned. Some found their banning was wrong and the users did nothing wrong, some believed more users should have been banned. That was weeks ago, leave it alone. The ones who for banned broke rules, the ones who didn't are being watched. Like I said, the Admins give chances. It's over with, if you (in general) think you were banned wrongly, tell someone. That's all I can say. It's done and over with now.

I'm not on staff, these are just things I've picked up on. The staff and the Admins are here to help you, let them help you. They don't ban people for nothing, they don't single out users either. They are human just like us. And please quit saying they aren't doing their jobs. The staff and the Admins are not paid to help Mibba. They volunteered to help everyone. They do their absolute best with a smile on their face. All staff and the Admins are amazing people who use their time to help Mibba. Without them Mibba wouldn't be as awesome as it is.

Here is the Knowlege Base if you have any questions about rules. Bookmark this too.
August 24th, 2013 at 07:44pm