My Interview With ''Zacky Vengeance;'' and ''PetiteChatNoir''

Hello everyone. ::mrgreen:

I know you missed reading these intervies of mine, so here's another one. This is another great author I came across and she's here under the username, Zacky Vengeance;. My favourite stories of hers are For His Eyes Only which is a fanfic Synacky/Bratt and of course Daughters of Darkness which is an Avenged Sevenfold co-write.

So here we go! ::cute:

01. Would you tell us your full name?

I'll use the abbreviated one. The one that'll end up on a book if that ever happens. N.A.Dunne.

02. How long have you been on mibba?

I've been on Mibba, I think, for just over a year. It's crazy how fast things have kind of leapt forward for me, I never thought for once that Mibba would be such a huge part of my life.

03. Are you posting your writings on other writing sites?

Only one of Mibba's mini-sites, I feel like Mibba has such a great community that I only need to post most of my things here.

04. Since when have you been writing?

I've been writing for as long as I can remember- I was always interested in writing stories. It stemmed from a love of reading and finally wanting to be like the authors that I read. For a while I didn't do much, but it was after music, in particular rock music, became a heavy part of my life that I felt inspired to start writing again and I haven't stopped since!

05. Could you tell us a brief summary of your stories.

One of the stories I'm most proud of here on Mibba is entitled 'The Hospital' and revolves around the members of Avenged Sevenfold. Each of them live in their own separate rooms at a psychiatric hospital and each have their own diagnosed mental disorders. Dt Jess Berry is investigating a fire in the opposite building when she happens across their ward and goes to speak to all of them about the fire. There's a big twist at the end which I won't reveal, however, it is one of the most inspired and insane things I've written to date, and has begun the long spiral into the dark depths of my mind.

06. What inspired you to write each story?

Lots of things inspire me I suppose. Music sometimes, films, TV shows. I see a situation and think 'what would it be like if this happened, or it had turned out a different way?' I can write from many different directions but the two I like to focus on the most are realistic, romantic relationships and crime/suspense. So there's lots of ways. But sometimes ideas just pop into my head or are spun from something people say. 'The Family Man', another one of my stories, came to light by a Mibbian commenting that she adored M.Shadows, the protaganist, showing off his sensitive side in stories and being a dedicated family man.

07. Which characters did you like more from each story you created and why?

I love characters from my more recent crime stories because as a female, I see a lot of female characters in the books I read and the stories I read here on Mibba, who just lie down and take whatever the men are doing. I like strong, independent, don't take shit from anyone characters because I can relate. And it makes me feel empowered. I think personally my favourites have been Kendra Brown from 'Child's Play', Jess Berry from 'The Hospital', Nancy Haner in 'Nowhere Left To Hide' and Lizzy Haner from 'Five Men and a Little Lady' and its sequel, 'Coming Home To You'.

08. How often do you update?

I try and update every single day, since I have an array of stories to update. Usually, I'll do two or three, depending on what other things I have going on, so I can be a little erratic sometimes, but I update as much as possible.

09. Any words for your readers?

You guys are crazy for liking me, but thank you for reading my stuff. I definalty wouldn't be writing if it weren't you badass mofos.

10. Any authors you like and inspire you?

I have three go-to ones really. Jodi Picoult for relationships, and dealing with the reality of what a successful and a failed relationship will entail. Karen Rose for criminal information, the ability to scare with just words and phrases, as well as how to subtly shove sex into a story. And Nora Roberts for how to create gorgeous guy characters.


Moving on to the next interview, we have the lovely Beth, known as PetiteChatNoir.

01. Would you tell us your full name?

I probably wouldn't tell people my full name, just because I'm afraid of creepers. But my middle name is Beth after my great grandma.

02. How long have you been on mibba?

I've been on Mibba for about six months. (I know... your probably saying "Who's that newbie?" )

03. Are you posting your writings on other writing sites?

No, I do not post my writing on other sites. When I was ten I had stories on Tikatok, and even won an award, but it changed so I lost all my stories. It was a sad day...

04. Since when have you been writing?

I took a writing class in 3rd grade, and I have journals from when I was in elementary school, and although I can't read the handwriting, it's still pretty darn cute.

05. Could you tell us a brief summary of your stories.

Well, the only one that I have now is Blank Zone. (Which I'm having a serious love-hate relationship with right now.) It's about a girl who has been plugged into an artificial reality for half of her life. She's taken out due to an accident with a virus, and she has to cope with all the things that have changed, as well as defeating the virus. Trust me I have others that have not been posted. I'm trying to take it one at a time... but I'm finding that very hard to do... ugh.

06. What inspired you to write each story?

Well, I'm a Sci-Fi geek. I watch a lot of Doctor Who, Star Trek, Star Wars, blah blah blah. I wanted to something that was... well... me. I guess you could say technology inspired me to some degree.

07. Which characters did you like more from each story you created and why?

My favorite character is Karl. Firstly I like how he spells his name, and secondly he's a sweet heart. I do like my other characters. As a writer I develop relationships with my writings and it's characters as if they were alive. I can often relate to them to some degree.

08. Do you do research before writing?

I do research sometimes. It helps when your unsure about something.

09. Is there an author on here whose work you like or is your inspiration?

I haven't looked at a lot of authors on here. But I'm sure that there are some amazing stories!

10. Do you like experimenting while writing? Writing about stuff you haven't experienced and genres you never thought you'd write about?

I do enjoy experimenting! I'm totally about imagination. Thinking beyond your own ability is important! This is why I write! I get to create places, and people, and strange things. It's fun!

11. How often do you update?

I update whenever I can. School slows me down a bit, but I try to update at least once a week.

12. Any words for your readers?

My three rules are: 1. Being yourself is important. 2. Imagination is important. 3. Learning is important. Also thanks for reading! Even if you read my writing and you hate it so much that you kill the computer, I'm still happy that you read it!

13. Any authors you like and inspire you? (novels/graphic books)

Yay! Probably my favorite question. I love Enders Game by Orson Scott Card. This book is my inspiration. My other favorite book is Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky.

-Thanks for interviewing me! It was really, uber fun! I know I'm kinda an oddball but... hope you enjoy.
-You're most welcome, dear. :)

That was the end.

August 24th, 2013 at 07:58pm