How To NOT Get Banned On Mibba.

This is just (MY) experience. I am NOT speaking for all Mibba users. You all have your own views on these subjects and I TOTALLY respect that. These are just some things that I try to remember myself personally and hope that may come in handy for you as well. When I say, "we," or "you," I'm not singling anyone out in this....I am just speaking about people as a whole in a generalized fashion.

We all know the number one thing that will ensure you won't get banned from this site and that is remember to follow Mibba Rules and Guidelines. Sometimes I question the rules myself or wonder why they were put in place. Sometimes I feel maybe they are a bit unfair but I try to keep that to myself as it is just my opinion. I'm sure the Admins and so on have their reasons of course and also are trying to keep order. I really doubt that they sit around with nothing else better to do than trying to come up with really strict rules to make everyone's lives miserable. Just because some of us question the rules doesn't mean the rules are irrational or shouldn't be there.

Even people I've talked to on here have often wondered if they are being singled out by the staff and so on. I don't have the answer to that entirely because I'm not on the staff and I really don't keep close relations with many of them. Not because I dislike them but because the subject hasn't come up. Too, I don't like people thinking I'm trying to suck up to any of the staff or Admins. I try not to like someone just because they have an authority position. I'm not saying that is why people talk to the Admins or try to befriend them...I'm just saying I don't do that in person at work or on any website. If I become a friend of an Admin or person of's because of their personality and not their job title.

The Admins are busy trying to keep things straight on here on top of managing their own lives off the website. I'm not trying to sit here and say that the staff or anyone else in an authority position never makes mistakes or misjudges things. We are all human after all. In my time on Mibba....which is a little over three years....I have never been banned. Now we all know that I write controversial blogs and that I am well opinionated.

There was a time where I titled one of my blogs with a questionable joke that others found offensive. I really hadn't meant it mean or to be making fun of any fandom, but the whole experience made me be more aware about what I say. There are a lot of sensitive people on this site. I'm not being sexist but we all know that the majority of gender on this site is female. We as women can sometimes tend to be emotional and even insecure. When someone challenges our opinion or maybe doesn't word it in the nicest way...we are quick to assume that person is out to get us and is trying to start wars.

I've seen it so many times on other people's blogs as well as my own. Someone posts their opinion and usually...they post it when they are frustrated with something so the blog itself may come off as....ill willed and such. Maybe the user words it questionably then someone comments to disagree in the same angry type of tone or manner since it's in word form. No one ever takes the time to just stop and ask the author what their intent was behind their blog and the content. We all need to stop and just first ask the author's reasoning or intentions behind what they've posted if it seemed offensive or controversial.

Some of us tend to jump to conclusions or immediately take things personally. I'm including myself in this. No one likes to be disagreed with plain and simple. I've come along way since joining this site and it has taught me a few things. I now try and respect what people say in their disagreement comments on my things as long as they DON'T PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH or sound out right hateful. You can tear someone down and still be smug even if you aren't out right bashing. I'll get to that in a minute.

Soon as someone just comes at me and tries to tell me how I meant something...then that bugs me. Clearly they didn't take the time to really read my blog and let it sink in without jumping down my throat. They also never took the time to ask me personally how the blog was intended really. I've also learned to watch how I word things. It is a bummer that it takes me awhile to write a blog now because I know I have to watch what I say because people are quick to judge it, pick it apart, put words in my mouth, twist my words and get offended.

This doesn't happen to me all the time but sometimes it does. I have no problem accepting someone's opinion if it is different from my own...however it's all about tone and how it is worded and presented. I've also come to realize that sometimes...there WILL be people who have it out for you for whatever reason. This happens in life. Not everyone will like you and as sad as it sounds....sometimes those who do not like you will band together and hate on you. It's expected anytime you present yourself or your thoughts to the public.

Now I want to cover a grey area. It's hard for the Admins to really do anything about what I'm about to say because it's not something that is necessarily breaking any of the rules per say. You can hurt someone's feelings without doing what is considered "bashing" in the rules. Try and remember that old saying before you post a comment to someone. "Do unto others as you'd want done to you." "Treat others how you would want to be treated."

If you are about to post a comment to someone that you would feel offended or hurt by...then why not keep it to yourself? I know some of you want to post your opinion or debates in response to what people say on the blogs or other places but remember they have feelings too. They may be just as fragile or easily offended as you are.

I'm not trying to preach or boss you all around I am just trying to help and tell you what I've learned in my experience. There are some specific things I've noticed that will get you banned quite quickly. Do not ever refer to someone as a "bitch." It doesn't matter if they aren't even on this site. Even if it's someone you know can't call that person a "bitch" or any other offensive names. If you must refer to them as anything....use less vulgar terminology. Maybe there's a bully at your school. Refer to them as either a bully or a "not nice person."

Don't go straight into calling them a "fuck face asshole" or other unkind things. I know that we all sometimes get pissed off at things we feel weren't fair or right in our every day lives but if we instantly start using bad language towards people or when we are referring to them....that's a one way ticket to banville lol. You may curse in your words...just don't use curse words to describe others.

Another thing is....don't hate on fandoms other than your own. While the fandom may not be your cup of tea....don't belittle others who actually love that cup of tea! Everyone is different and likes different things. You don't have to like the band but you don't have to hate on it openly to others who do.

Remember that we are all people with our own individual tastes and interests. We are all trying to live in this one world and reside together on this one website. You may not like cucumbers....but that doesn't mean you sit down and have an hour long hate speech for your dislike of the vegetable. Why should what someone else likes or their opinions be any different?

Try to be mindful and just watch what you say. I know that it's tough sometimes because does feel like some people on this site are quick to get offended over everything. Maybe they are sensitive but too....I know for a fact there are some users who just purposely try to get offended over anything....even when it in no way at all can be processed as being offensive. Maybe someone posts a blog saying they don't like the color blue.

They respected people who do by saying that they indeed aren't trying to disrespect anyone who does like the color but that they personally aren't that fond of it. Some users will try to make an argument out of it. They might say things like, "How could you not like the color blue? You are being prejudice and not respecting people who like the color!" Okay so clearly they missed the bit the author posted about how they didn't have a problem with people liking the color blue. That their personal opinion of the color was that they disliked it.

You see.....there are those types of users on here and it sometimes makes us more paranoid to want to post blogs or our true opinion. Some of us live in fear that someone else is going to instantly try and start something. I know for a fact that some users on here won't and don't even post blogs anymore for that reason alone. They just don't want any drama. This whole topic could go on forever because it's a serious thing and it affects a lot of the people on this site. I will say though....if you be conscious and aware of what you post....and maybe read it over a few times to make sure it surely can't be taken offensively...then you more than likely won't have any problems.

Don't call people names and also...don't try and get your point across in an overly...fake nice way. We all know what I mean....Don't say stuff like, "Okay sweetie. Whatever you say," or "Yeah, sure. Have a nice day." If you mean those things in a hateful way....they are still considered hurtful and come off as smug.

Another way to avoid any problem with a user at all who either disagrees with you and doesn't respect your opinion is to just NOT respond to them. If you don't argue with them....then nothing else will come of it. If they keep commenting or badgering you to reply...then ask them nicely to no longer comment. That is allowed I think. You are allowed not to reply to someone if you feel they are being hurtful.

If they keep up after you've asked them to stop...then that is when you need to notify the Admins and staff members. Sometimes biting your tongue can save an all out war or big basket of drama. I'm not telling you to let people just....walk all over you. If you feel the need to defend yourself then do so just remember to keep it civil....

So as a little recap.....
Don't curse or make derogatory references to people or things.
Don't hate on other people's fandoms or interests.
Be mindful of the way you word things.
Ask a user how they meant something before assuming the worst.
Bite your tongue if you feel it will keep the peace.
Don't still be rude to people in other ways that aren't so called bashing on here.
Treat others how you'd like to be treated.
Just respect your fellow Mibbians and don't gang up on them. If you dislike someone...just keep it to yourself.
Don't go looking for arguments or purposely playing the "I'm offended" card when you are not actually offended. That only fans the flames of hatred and discord with people.
If you disagree with someone...keep your rebuttal civilized and kind mannered.

That's about all that I can think of. Don't feel bad if you make a mistake or find yourself being rude to someone. You are human too..just maybe try to learn from your mistakes and really make an effort to be nice to people and respect them. If someone doesn't get the point you were trying to make...then let them not get it. If you tried to explain yourself and they didn't listen...that is their problem. Let's all lighten up and try to stay positive.
August 25th, 2013 at 01:35am