Miley Cyrus

I can't say that I've been a "fan" of hers, because, honestly, I have not heard ONE of her songs since the climb. And that song was freakishly catchy. And every now and then I'd pick up a song of hers like See You Again (not sure if that's the name), 7 Things, Fly On The Wall, and Party in the USA. These are all songs I'd just randomly heard, at first hated, when through a faze where I liked them, then I hated them again, then I completely forgot of their existence, and now I'm at a point where I just randomly start singing them (while adding my own words since I don't remember all the original lyrics, of course). But I always thought she was a gorgeous girl. Her eyes are stunning. I always loved her hair, until... and she always had a different, beautiful style. I, for some odd reason, hate her mouth.

Her mouth bugs me.

I don't know why, it just does...Well, I saw she cut her hair and I was a little disappointed. Here's why. I thought she was at her best right before she cut her hair. She had this short, cute style and she dressed amazingly at every award show. She looked so elegant and fancy and I loved it. I really did. And she cut her hair. I was like, "Awww" But I'm not one of those people that just dissed her. But with that hair cut came a completely different style. She became like a completely different person, I mean, from what I saw on celeb news crap. And there were some styles I thought she rocked, and other times I was like, "Well, she took that a little too far." I don't know, but I don't look at the 2013 Miley Cyrus and think, "That's Miley Cyrus" I just think it's a really bad copy.

Like Ellen Degenerous and Justin Beiber had a baby or something.

I dunno. I don't wanna sound mean. But right before she cut her hair was my fav. If you're a fan of hers, I'm so sorry if I've offended you. No reason for you to get offended though. This is completely my opinion about her (sad that I have to explain that). But, just...Okay, I didn't watch the awards show last night. I hardly ever do. I actually never watch any awards show. But all of a sudden I start seeing on the internet people upset and disgusted and I'm like, "The heck could she have possibly done wrong?"


She did everything wrong.

You wanna twerk, okay, go for it. You wanna dance around in a bikini, knock yourself out. You wanna do it in a public place, where there will be cameras filming, young children watching, people who look up to you eyeing your every move, sit down and think it through. I, personally, did not find it cute, nor did I find it appealing. When you're a celebrity you should always think about what your next move is going to be. Always. Because there's always a consequence, sadly. But that's why in order to be a celebrity you have to know how to handle it and deal with it. If not, you end up with 95% of the worlds population losing some, if not all respect for you. And that, that is really sad. Honestly, I do not respect her the same way I used to. There's a difference between being like, "I've grown up. I'm not the Disney girl I used to be. I'm different." And basically humping the air, grinding on other celebrities (which I found pretty disrespectful), sticking your tongue out in a sexual way, and jiggling your butt up and down.

That's completely...just...I would have thought I was on some sort of odd porn channel, really, I would have. That's not the way a 20 year old "mature" woman should be acting unless she wants to be in porn.

If she wanted to show growth and maturity, she should have stayed the way she was before she cut her hair. And she could have even cut it, whatever, just stick with that elegance.

It wasn't only disrespectful to the fans, the people watching, and the celebs in attendance, it was also disrespectful to the dude in the striped suit and to her fiance, Liam. I don't know, but if my man (if I had one) was grinding up some girl, or letting her grind up him, I wouldn't be happy. No, I'd be pretty upset and disgusted. There's many ways to give people a good, memorable show, doing what she did isn't the way because it ruins your name. Your name is ruined, Miley. Grow up. You can grow out of this, just show it.

Here's when I thought she was at her most lovely.

















This is one of my favs











August 27th, 2013 at 05:22am