This is the epitome of my boredness: Skype Anyone?

So when I got my new laptop I made a skype because my dad said he wanted to be able to keep in touch with me and such while I'm at uni (even though hello, cellular telephones but whatevs) So I made one but like... it just makes me depressed because I want to talk to people on skype but I don't want to give my skype to anybody I actually know (is that weird? That's weird, huh?)

So I just, can I give mibba my skype and you can add me or whatever and we can talk on skype and it will be fun? Is that weird. I really want to skype people. God, I'm so forever alone.

But I'm not sure how to operate skype because I'm dumb. Like I signed up through my microsoft account (because Windows 8, betches!) so apparently you can get to my skype through my email, But yeah, you should add me on skype because I'm lonely right now. :'D

Is this 100 words? I hope it is. I think it is. I dunno. I'm done now. kbai!
August 30th, 2013 at 12:24am