Just another blog about my boss.

He's hardly spoken to me today, he's stood next to me though and he stinks.
The plans for the test have changed, he's going to be testing us which is a big problem for me. I want Mango or a pit boss to test me.
Once again he's been running to the managers at every opertunity to tell tales on us. It's pathetic, he is just searching for reasons to fire us. He is convinced someone was talking about him on the table so he asked everyone else, didnt talk to the guy and spent half ano hour examining the audio from the table.
I work with kids that are more mature than him.
I've shown that I don't like him today though and I think that may have been a bad idea. But he annoys me and tells me off for nothing.
Now I sound about 5 but he is just infuriating.
I'm making cupcakes for him tonight, he's paying me. It might make him want to keep me there for a while.
August 30th, 2013 at 08:36pm