To all you 'blog stalkers' out there. :)

Well, I'm Brook. I'm like you're basic nerd, liking reading and writing. I like Chocolate, anything green, and aged cheese. I can be pretty hot-headed sometimes, and considering my sisters, who are also blog stalkers are probably going to eventually see this, I'm not going to put anything really juicy in here, although I love ranting.

I can't say this is going to be a long blog. I love writing, but not as much about myself. Can anyone explain to me how to make a blog layout. I tried to, butall my good web-sites didn't seem to be compatible, which totally bums me. Or at least does anyone have a good website?

Anyways, has anyone head about Syria? Honestly, considering they're backed by Russia and maybe even China, (And the US is backed by...No one.) I think it's kind of scary and not a good idea. The UN even said they didn't want to go into war, so I don't understand why we're doing anything about it, besides the fact that they used chemical weapons on them. Maybe it's just me, but it doesn't seem right to go after them, when there's no reason to.
August 31st, 2013 at 04:26pm