Someone wanna help meh? // Mibba

I think I need to recruit someone to help me. I have been trying SO DAMN HARD to write something, and I'll get halfway through it, and then stop. I just can't write anymore. I have FOUR halfway written Teen Wolf related one shots and I can't get the umph to finish it. Maybe I can get someone to message me everyday or something saying "yo FINISH THIS" or something lol. I wanna write an A7X or Teen Wolf story, or both, but I know if I start it, it will fall into the pile of unfinished stories I have. I even want to do a cowrite or something with someone, because I think it would push me in the write direction with continuing writing lol. If anyone would like to help me and push me into the right direction, I would appreciate it. :)

Speaking of Mibba, I really want to get on here more often. I usually don't get on here mainly because I'm not on my computer a whole heck of a lot, so I just forget to get on here. I am going to try to get on here more often, read some fics, and be happy!
And sorry for the bland blog layout. I went to make a new one before I posted this, but I was SO lost on how to customize it, so luckily Calli (She Said Poptarts) is going to help me fix it haha.
September 1st, 2013 at 03:53am