I go to the psych ward today...

I've actually been in the hospital since Wednesday because of an "accidental overdose" of Serequel that morning. I was having a sort of episode and all I wanted was to sleep so I kept taking more and more pills and by the time my mom found me I had swallowed at least twenty-eight pills. Apparently the "lethal intent" count is at least ten so they think I was trying to kill myself. Who knows? Maybe I was.

They're moving me to the state psych ward today though which is an hours drive. I'm supposed to get re-evaluated up there and get some medication and what not. They say that it's for the best since I don't have insurance so if I just left the hospital I'd probably be back in like a week. I can see where they're coming from and I know the hospital I'm going to, I used to go to the haunted house that they put on every year (trust me, mental patients and a haunted house is extremely terrifying). My friends mother works up there so maybe I'll get to see her or something.

Anyway, I know I just put out a story and all but it won't be updated until I get back which will hopefully only be two weeks at the longest. Maybe I'll even think of new things or learn from this. I'm trying to have a positive look on it. I've been to a behavioral center when I was fourteen but now that I'm nineteen, I think they'll stick me with adults and I'm kind of worried that the only person I'll end up talking to is someone that eats the checker pieces.

Wish me luck!

September 1st, 2013 at 01:54pm