My Interview With ''AshleyJinxxBiersack'' and ''purple89''

Hello everyone. ::mrgreen:

Today's interview is with the lovely mibbian called AshleyJinxxBiersack which I found when I searched for completed stories and I found this one called, Can't Escape the Monsters in My Head and since I liked the first chapters, I went and read the prequel, then this one and on to the last part of the trilogy. You should totally check this lady's writings. ::cute:

If you are a fan of the other and you'd like to learn more about her, this is her blog entry with her contact info, Contact Me. Also, if you wanna know what this author recommends for you to read, you can check this blog entry named, Recommendations. ::smile:

So here we go! ::cute:

01. Would you tell us your full name?

People who've read my stories with Bree (SorryNotDeadYet) will already know my full name from our A/N stuff, but for those who don't, my name is Lauren Jeanette Squibb. ^-^ I hate my last name though. o-e

02. How long have you been on mibba?

Probably around 3 or 4 years now. I can't even remember, it's been that long. It used to be for just reading purposes, but yeah. cx

03. Are you posting your writings on other writing sites?

Not anymore, no. When I first got into fiction writing, I used Quizilla, but they had so many damn rules that got a lot of my stuff taken down, I moved to Mibba. I like Mibba better anyway. There's less restrictions to what you can write.

04. Since when have you been writing?

I've been writing since I was 6. Back then it was just short stories based on fairy tales, or little poems I made up in my head. But as of age 12, it's been purely fan fictions.

05. Could you tell us a brief summary of your stories.

Which story do you want to know about? Haha. I have so many of them, seriously.

Violent Whispers, Silent Screams:- This was one of the first fictions I ever wrote on Mibba, and one of the first that became popular. It's a Ricky Olson/Chris Cerulli slash. In this story, Chris is a Dom vampire and Ricky is a human. In the beginning, Ricky is a little off around the vampires for obvious reasons, but quickly makes friends with Angelo and Devin, who introduce him to a couple of their other friends. Chris falls for Ricky and during the vampire mating ceremony that takes place every year or so, it was discovered that Ricky is destined to be Chris's mate, even though he's human. Through mating, Ricky makes friends with a few other vampires and becomes part of a group. A lot of drama happens, which I won't give away, but I've been told that it's an emotional roller-coaster, haha. In theory, this story should have a sequel by now, but I haven't gotten around to it yet, but there will be a sequel sometime in the future.

Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back:- This is a co-write between myself and JaxGreen, and it's the first we ever worked on together. In this, 2 girls both move to London. Blaire (JaxGreen) moved out from the US, and Brook (me) from Wales, UK. They both have run in's with vampires and get kidnapped straight off the streets at night. They get told that they're destined to be mated to vampires due to both being marked by the vampires that want them. Both are defiant to begin with, not wanting to be stuck with vampires against their will. Brook gives in out of fear and does as she's told, but Blaire is determined to get them both out of there and away from that lifestyle. There is a lot of drama in this, including a few deaths and escape plans, but again, I won't give it all away. This story has been turned into a trilogy, and Kimmi and I are currently working on the third story.

Creatures:- Ahh, my story with Kasey (WakeUpTheSleepers). This is the first story Kas and I ever wrote. I started it with her when she was under her old name SinematicHate. This is another vampire story, but has demons in it too. If you can't tell by now, I very much enjoy supernatural based stories, haha. In this story, two girls have been best friends their whole lives. Both have grown up in a town that fear the night creatures taking over so turn to religion in hopes that they can escape. Growing up, Dani (Kas) and Alex (me) have grown up with an interest in the supernatural beings, only Dani grew out of that belief. Alex grew up looking more and more into demons and vampires and how they live, how they feed, etc. Alex is visited by three vampires and three demons and has to make a deal with them. She makes the deal to try and protect Dani, but it only leads to trouble when Dani finds out after overhearing a phone call. This story involved a fair amount of abuse, mainly to Dani who mates with a demon. Alex gets a little bit of abuse, but it fades out to pretty much nothing as the story goes on. She mates to a vampire. Through all the drama that occurs, both settle into the lifestyle and learn to live with it after finding that they've fallen in love with the ones who kidnapped them and almost took their lives from them. This story has a sequel that Kas and I have recently finished.

Those are just three of the main ones. I have way too many to summarise them all, haha. But you'll find that the majority of my stories involve something supernatural. I'm not very good at giving summaries, so I apologise if they're bad summaries. :c

06. What inspired you to write each story?

I couldn't really tell you with the three I summarised, if I'm honest. Violent Whispers was a spur of the moment idea that was originally going to be a very long one shot. I'd always wanted to write a slash of some sort, so I started that train off by writing a Chris/Ricky slash, and it just developed over each chapter. I got a little help with the ideas towards the middle of the story from a friend of mine due to writers block kicking in, but aside from that, it was just a spur of the moment story that turned out pretty well and became pretty popular and left people wanting more.

Save Yourself was Kimmi's idea. She came up with it, and not long after we'd become friends after she read a story or two of mine, she came to me, told me the plans and asked if I wanted to write it with her. I agreed, of course, and that came out of it. My chapters just come and flow on from what Kimmi wrote in her chapters, and the inspiration usually comes from whatever song I'm listening to at the time of writing it. I do list the songs I listen to in each chapter because lyrics are the chapter titles.

Creatures was again not my idea. This was Kasey's idea originally, but I helped her develop it more and form a strong plot out of it. Again, my chapters just follow up from hers and they seem to flow nicely. I do tend to listen to songs while writing to help with inspiration, but they're not listed for this story due to the fact next to none of the songs I listened to for this story are relevant to the chapters. Basically, music helps a lot with my writing.

07. Which characters did you like more from each story you created and why?

Oh gosh, haha. I quite like Alex and Brooklynn (Creatures and Save Yourself) because I base all my characters off myself as much as I can. I base their personalities off me as much as possible, and also their nationalities if I can ~ Out of the two, only Brook is British. Alex is American. ~ I base their looks off my looks as much as I can, but I make them prettier than I actually am and I use photos off Google or Tumblr for the visual thing.

08. Do you do research before writing?

If there's something I need to look at, then yes. I do look a little at vampirism and demonology before writing about them in stories, but most of it is just what I've made up. The most I look up is words before I use them so I use them in the right context, haha.

09. Is there an author on here whose work you like or is your inspiration?

Don't get me started on that question please, haha. Kasey (WakeUpTheSleepers) is definitely one for work I like. I think her solo stories are fantastic and out of the co's that she's written and I've actually read, they're good. Zacky Vengeance; is also someone who's work I love, and she's also an inspiration to me too. I get overly excited when she's updated something, haha. Deadly night shade. oh my God, this chick. I love her work. She's one of the first authors I ever discovered on here, and her work is a huge inspiration to me, especially the supernatural side of it all. There are more, but those girls are the main three. I love them. <3

10. Do you like experimenting while writing? Writing about stuff you haven't experienced and genres you never thought you'd write about?

Not really I don't, no. I suppose it was an experiment when I first wrote about vampires and such, but it's not really an experiment more since most of my stories these days have vampires or demons in them. I tend to stick to the same sort of genres too. I don't know why, I guess I'm just off about experimenting out of my comfort zone, but I will definitely start experimenting more in the future.

11. How often do you update?

I used to update at least twice a day, everyday. But then school and my home problems took over my life, so my updates have dropped dramatically. There's also the fact that my co-authors are disappearing without a trace or an explanation to me or our readers, and I'm hitting the dreaded writers block with a lot of my stories, so things are slowing down. And I'm starting college on September 2nd, so my updates will probably continue to be slow until I get a period of free time, in which I will be updating as much as I can.

12. Any words for your readers?

I love you guys. Seriously. You are the people who give me the confidence to keep writing, and without you, I wouldn't be where I am today with my writing. The only criticism I have, though, and you can call me a bitch all you want for it, is you don't comment enough. I don't expect comments on every chapter I post, but I do expect at least a couple every few chapters. It does help me out, and it lets me know that my writing isn't pointless and people are still enjoying what I'm writing. I know there are better writers than me on here, but I would still appreciate the help that the comments tend to give me. And don't just comment "Update soon please?!?!!!11! :D" because after a while, that irritates me and makes me feel like you're demanding things from me. Other than that, please never stop supporting me. Without your support, I wouldn't still be writing. <3

13. Any authors you like and inspire you? (novels/graphic books)

Darren Shan. That guy is a freakin' genius and I cannot get enough of his work. He inspires me hugely on the vampire side of things. His work is just so good! I also like E L James, Suzanne Collins and JK Rowling. They just inspire me to keep pushing on and consider trying new things in my writing. But I am looking for more authors to start reading to widen the range a little, so if anyone has any suggestions to any good books/authors, please let me know! ^-^

~~This isn't a great interview as I'm not that great a person, so I apologise for that. But thank you for interviewing me, and I hope what I've answered with is okay. ^-^


The next interview for today is with with the lovely mibbian called purple89. I got to read her writings when I stumbled upon the story called, 23 which is an Avenged Sevenfold gang story. Her Avenged Sevenfold fanfics are great and all of you should check them out, if you haven't already. ::crazy:

Here you can see her top ten sexy men. I know some of you are pretty interested in things like these, so go and take a look. Don't be shy and drop a comment or two... ::cute: I have to add that James Franco and Matt Bomer are on my list as well. ::inlove:

01. Would you tell us your full name?

Ornella Ariana Priya Rose.

02. How long have you been on mibba?

I think about a year now? I found the website while looking for things to read last summer.

03. Are you posting your writings on other writing sites?

Yup....I'm on Wattpad but i don't have much on there. I believe it's only my story 23 I should really update on there and out up the sequels...

04. Since when have you been writing?

I started writing at the age of nine. I used to write silly creative writing stories for school but I got better as I got older.

05. Could you tell us a brief summary of your stories.

23: Isabel Blackburn's life changes when she is taken by the notorious A7X gang. Everything she had been told to her after the death of her father was a lie and now, she has the elusive, twisted and slightly sadistic Jake Night on her trail. Explosive romances and broken hearts wait for her in the place she now calls home.

24: Finally coming to terms with the fact that her life has indeed changed, Isabel wonders if it's for better or worse. New enemies spring up out of the woodwork and threats lurk around every corner.

25: In the final installment of Isabel's story, new alliances are formed and friendships are both forged and broken. Hearts shatter and loved ones are lost.

Predatory Eyes: Life for Ariana Rose changes drastically when her husband of seven years walks out on her, leaving her broken and lost. Through the sadness, she has new friends to help her cope and a certain someone that helps heal her heart.

Henna And Pree's Sexy Adventures With Syn and Vengeance: Synyster Gates and Zacky Vengeance join Mibba and find a lot more than raunchy stories written about them.

Time Stands Still:In a tale of dark, bitter secrets, forbidden love and betrayal two lovers must find the strength within themselves to battle every obstacle in their way. Will they be able to overcome the difficulties that lie ahead or will one of them succumb to weakness and be left behind?

06. What inspired you to write each story?

23: This story actually had it's beginnings as a contest entry and it evolved from there. I had an idea and inspiration kept hitting me, resulting in 24 and 25.

Predatory Eyes: This story came about after someone that i've admired from afar for years started showing interest in me. I was able to use some of the interactions between us to create the dialogue and feelings.

Henna And Pree's Sexy Adventures With Syn and Vengeance: Helena (amodernmyth88) and I had the same idea around the same idea for this story. She was going to focus on Syn and I on Vengeance but we decided to join forces and create this hilarious piece of work.

Time Stands Still: This was another contest entry that seemed to take on a life of it's own. It was really my way of expressing some of the scary, dark things i've gone through in life.

07. Which characters did you like more from each story you created and why?

From Izzy's trilogy I like "Vengeance" the most. He's fun to write because he's got such a twisted mind and an innate darkness that makes him incredibly sexy and alluring. He's always up to something and is selfish but has those rare moments where you see his humanity even though he acts like he's soulless.

From Predatory Eyes I particularly like "Ariana". She's a strong woman that has found her purpose in life and tries to hold everything together even when it's all falling to pieces around her.

From Henna And Pree's Sexy Adventures With Syn And Vengeance it has to be "Vengeance". He's so awkward but super funny and has a dry sense of humor but most of all he wears his heart on his sleeve.

From Time Stands Still, "Zacky Baker" is my favorite. He's sharp minded, career driven, caring and concerned in all the right amounts.

08. Do you do research before writing?

Does watching Law and Order SVU count as research? If I'm writing about a foreign country that I haven't been to as yet, I tend to research places so it feels more realistic.

09. Is there an author on here whose work you like or is your inspiration?

If I had to give you a list, I'd be giving you answers for a long ass time. There are so many amazing writers on here that it makes my head spin. I've seen people grow in their writing skills over the last year and I've had some great people lend inspiration in times of need.

10. Do you like experimenting while writing? Writing about stuff you haven't experienced and genres you never thought you'd write about?

Ha! I've never ever EVER written slash and got the chance to try my hand at it a while back. Zacky Vengeance; asked for me to help out with A Gentleman's Innocence because she had way too much on her plate. I remember thinking to myself..."how the hell do I write slash?!!" The first update I had to do, I remember writing it like a man and woman having sex and changed all the female parts to male parts at the end. It was hilarious.

This is gonna sound weird and maybe a bit too much TMI (you can take this out if it's inappropriate), I tried out BDSM for a while because I had a contest entry to write and well... I found out some interesting things about myself that I was able to use and actually still use when iI write one shots featuring D/s.

11. How often do you update?

Usually once a week but lately I've been swamped with my new job. I've also lost interest in some stories but I'm working on finding inspiration.

12. Any words for your readers?

If you read something, leave a comment with your thoughts. Writers always love feedback...even if it's three words. You don't have to recommend or subscribe but comments are always welcome.

13. Any authors you like and inspire you? (novels/graphic books)

-J.K Rowling
-J.R Ward
-Maya Banks
-Sylvia Day
-Dan Brown
-Melissa Marr
I know there's more but they escape me at the moment.

^-^ Thank you for interviewing me. I'm honored... ^-^

And that's all for today.

September 2nd, 2013 at 01:32am