whoa fifty facts

I'm rebelling against my boss (AKA my dad) because he told me to get some sleep since I have to wake up mad early tomorrow and I say fuck it that I'm not the slightest bit tired. Also, my half sister — my thirty-something year old half sister — thought it'd be a great idea to pay a visit to my household and decided that 11:30 at night would be a great time to do so. So, that woke me up.



⤷ My favorite colors are maroon, dark green, and gold.
⤷ I would choose frozen yogurt over ice cream any day, with the exception of Ben & Jerry's Late Night Snack. That shit is just too good.
⤷ Romance movies bore me, and I usually cry at movies that other people wouldn't cry at.
⤷ I took a year off to do something traveling by myself, but I can already tell I'm going to chicken out of that.
⤷ I think that the best part about The Sims 3 is Create-A-Sim. I'll spend hours making families and only a few minutes actually using them. I'm also shit at building houses.
⤷ I have the tendency to ignore people when I feel even remotely hurt by them — I have unintentionally dropped many friends because of this.
⤷ I weight 10 pounds, 8 ounces when I was born. FAT BABIES HELL YEAH.
⤷ Even though I keep changing my mind about what I want to major in, I really want to go to art school.
⤷ My favorite season is winter because I like skiing and Christmas and hot chocolate.
⤷ Going along with fact nine, I hate summer. I hate being hot, it makes me irritated.

⤷ Astronomy and psychology are extremely interesting to me.
⤷ I took AP Psychology in high school. I passed the class with flying colors, but only got a 2 on the AP test. Who needs standardized testing.
⤷ I don't mind the word moist. My least favorite word is supper, and I hate when people pronounce the word route as "r-ow-t," even though I'm pretty sure that's how it's supposed to be pronounced.
⤷ The top three countries I want to visit are Ireland, New Zealand, and Czech Republic.
⤷ I start a lot of projects that never get finished.
⤷ I've never broken, fractured, sprained, or twisted anything in my body. This is miraculous because I'm the clumsiest person I know. Many people would agree.
⤷ I sleep with a fan on every night, even in the winter.
⤷ I sleep with a comforter on my bed every night, even in the summer.
⤷ The countries that I've been to so far are The United States (since I live here), England, France, and Italy.
⤷ I'm absolute shit at doing hair and makeup. I can only handle the basics.

⤷ I won a "Most Outstanding Student in Science" in eighth grade. My performance in science declined every year since.
⤷ I have TMJD and it's the most annoying thing in the world.
⤷ My favorite shows are Face Off and Bob's Burgers.
⤷ The only John Green book that's "wow"-ed me has been The Fault in Our Stars. I thought Looking for Alaska and Paper Towns were just okay. (I have yet to read the others, though).
⤷ I hate using numbers and prefer to write them out.
⤷ Scary movies only scare me if they're realistic.
⤷ My favorite kind of music is indie music. Indie rock, indie pop, whatever. I just like indie.
⤷ I can't make many decisions. I stress out and waste time until somebody else makes them.
⤷ I think I have an addiction to making lists.
⤷ Arrows are my favorite shape. If that counts as a shape.

⤷ I'm an aspiring photographer. I don't know if I'm more into becoming a travel photographer or a fashion photographer, but either one would rock my world.
⤷ I've never been to a wedding.
⤷ I've never been to a funeral.
⤷ I somehow manage to break every electronic device that I own. I'm cursed, I think.
⤷ I think most things are funny. Even things that definitely aren't — the internet has warped my sense of humor.
⤷ I put peanut butter on e v e r y t h i n g.
⤷ I'm 5'8" and a half. I wish I was shorter.
⤷ I'm really shy when it comes to meeting new people to the point where they think I'm stuck up and snobby. I'm not man I'm just shy.
⤷ I've never had a boyfriend.
⤷ I wish I applied myself more in school, because I definitely skated through it without trying.

These facts are boring now, so the replacing the last ten facts with a bunch of things that I think clearly represent what I'm like as a person.















These are all me. These are all definitely me.

September 4th, 2013 at 06:16am