30 Day Avenged Sevenfold Challenge: Day Twelve


Day Twelve: Favorite Music Video

Oh no. UH. I CAN'T CHOOSE. I think it's a legitimate tie between Nightmare, Seize the Day and A Little Piece of Heaven. I guess I'll go into the reasoning behind each.

Nightmare: The entire music video is so eerie and fast paced. The two girls playing around in the blood was a cool horror movie sort of touch and the entire time Matt was being rolled around the mental hospital I was actually pretty scared for him. I loved Zacky dancing with the skeleton and Johnny crawling around on the roof. There's an abandoned mental hospital around where I live and I automatically thought of that place when I first saw the video. Also, the ending touch with Jimmy's drum kit took my breath away upon seeing it for the first time.

Seize the Day: I just thought it was really cool and interesting how the guys were armed robbers in that video; it was believable and the entire video went flawlessly with the song. Matt and Val's relationship in the video is intriguing and I genuinely felt bad for her. And then, when she died and Matt was stuck in prison, I'm pretty sure I cried a lot. And THEN when the guys and Matt's ''son'' went to her tombstone..there's just too many feels in that video but it's so perfect and I love it.

A Little Piece of Heaven: First of all, I LOVE animated music videos, so this one right here scored a lot of points with me right off the bat. The whole story of a guy killing his wife and then finding a way to bring her back to life, only for her to kill him and resurrect him so they can live forever in their deranged state...just...wow. Jimmy was one brilliant song writer; as fucked up as this song is, it's genius. The orchestra, the laughing and breaking of bottles, everything about this song deserved to have a music video, and it got one that did it so much justice. I just love the fact that it's animated; I don't think it would've been too great any other way.
September 7th, 2013 at 12:53am