Why I Deleted a Story

Before you freak out on me, let me explain.

I deleted my Tate Langdon fanfiction “Haunted.” I did this for a couple of reasons. One, I was completely lost as to where exactly I could take the plot. No matter what direction I went, it would end up being far too similar to the American Horror Story plot, and I pride myself on making my stories different from what they’re based off of—if that makes any sense at all. I just hated where it was inevitably heading and I felt like if I kept going I’d be digging my own grave, so to speak. Secondly, I had zero motivation on it. I tried to write a new chapter and everything I wrote got erased which ties in with reason number one. It was driving me crazy because I couldn’t find anything that pleased me, and I feel like if I’m not pleased by my work, my readers definitely won’t be. I only want to give my readers quality stuff, and if I feel like I’m not doing that properly it frustrates me. There was no way out for this story, so I just deleted it.

Now, I do still have the file on my laptop and the layout saved on Mibba, so if one day I figure out what I can do with it, I may repost it. Either that or I’ll just post the first chapter as a one shot or something. I don’t know yet. But it might not be gone forever; we’ll see.

In conclusion, please don’t be mad at me. I hope you understand. It was just stressing me out because I couldn’t do what I wanted with it like I thought I was going to be able to. Needless to say its deletion is one hundred percent my fault, since I didn’t properly outline it or look into the future for it when I decided to post it. Surely if I’d had a clear path in mind for it, it would still be up. So, I apologize for my mistake. I only want to give you guys a story that will go somewhere and intrigue you as it goes, not make you lose interest in it, and unfortunately “Haunted” was headed down the latter path. I figured I should explain that. I’m sorry. Maybe you’ll see it again someday.
September 9th, 2013 at 07:35am