Once Upon a Time Challenge: Day 01


Day 01: Your favorite male character?

Drum roll please....


Killian Jones, also known as, Captain Hook

When this character appeared, I was so happy. I've always liked Hook when I was growing up. I actually thought Peter Pan was the monster of the story! He cut off poor Hook's hand. Now the way Once Upon a Time did it was quite amazing. I love the story of Hook. His love, his hate and everything in between.


Also the actor...oh my god they chose one special actor. He does the role perfect and he really does look the part of a pirate. I really enjoyed the second season as much as I did because of him. It seems like every time he is on scene, I have to watch it. His reactions and speaking is so realistic, I just love it.

So yeah, my favorite male character is Hook. No doubt behind that. Oh and all pictures I got off weheartit.com.
September 10th, 2013 at 06:09pm