For all you old-y writers

Okay so when you've been writing for a while (I'm talking like five years or something) you improve, there's no doubt about it. Loads of my favorite authors on Mibba and Wattpad have improved over time and they admit it too. But it's amazing when you actually go back to that first story you wrote and you see just how shit it is. I do this with my blogs as well.

When I was younger I used to do those "Journal Entries" on Quizilla and, as I was looking for a writer I used to love, stumbled across the most recent one I had on Quizilla and I just cringed when I read the title. I used to write like people cared. Now, I don't care if anyone really reads this or not, I just write because I like to.

I can like see so much about myself as well in those three paragraphs too. Firstly I was a punctuation whore. Secondly I was uneducated about punctuation. I do admit I was in year 7 (so like 11) and in English we spoke about crap like non-fiction but when I started my GCSEs we did punctuation and I became educated.

I can also tell you that - just simply assuming from my journal/blog thing - I expected everyone to know what I was talking about.

If you want leave down in the comments what your first story/poem/blog/whatever tells people about you.

(I'm incredibly embarrassed to put this up here but I think I should actually show you how awful everything is - just look at my fucking username)
September 10th, 2013 at 10:49pm