I hope you found what you were looking for

I wish I could tell you that I'm happy for you, and that your baby boy is beautiful and that I'm glad you got out okay. But I'm terrified to do so. I think you were great for us, we all think that actually, and I wanted to thank you for that. But you have a new life now, a new family, and we were forgotten so easily that I'm scared you don't even remember us.

I wish I could tell you that I miss our weird talks about aliens and the end of the world. I wish I could tell you everything, because you were so easy to talk to. I'm glad you are happy, even if you caused her to fall apart. I understand. I really do. I hope that your little family stays happy, because I like to believe that you were happy with us once too, and I hope that you don't leave them. I hope that this is your forever, and I'm sure that little boy will grow up to be happy and loved.

I think I'll always wonder what would've happened to us if you had stayed. Maybe she wouldn't be so broken, and the boys wouldn't be so far away. Maybe we'd all be okay right now. But I will never know.None of us will. The only thing that I am certain of, is that you are not a bad person for what happened, nor are you any less loved by me. I miss you. I love you.

I hope you live a long happy life.
September 11th, 2013 at 11:31am