30 Day Avenged Sevenfold Challenge: Day Fifteen


Day Fifteen: Favorite Zacky Vengeance Picture

Oh boy...this is gonna be hard because, let's face it, Zacky is one beautiful human being so it might take me awhile to narrow it down to my three favorite pictures of him. I'll try my best...


*inhuman noise* Jesus fuck I can't even tell you how many times I've looked at this picture and thought ''wow that is one beautiful human being''. He is just too good looking for words. Also, I must say he does look rather good with blond hair. Those eyes @.@


He looks so good here! He's all stylish and grown up and looks amazing in plaid.

Zacky in glasses! With his sweater he makes the cutest nerd ever, I swear.
September 11th, 2013 at 11:19pm