Sorry I Lied to You

Its been eight months since my last blog.

And what promise did I uphold from that?

Absolutely none.

I'm so sorry to have been MIA since then. Life is a whirlwind, yanno? I've been reading a bunch of fanfiction (Dark, anyone? How bout that Top Ten on JBFA?!) and a lot of school (thanks to AP English.) This year I put field hockey on the back burner for my job which also eats at my time.

I know what you're thinking, reader...EXCUSES, EXCUSES!

But they're valid, I swear :(

I barely even have time to go onto my fangirl twitter: and Tumblr is a whole other story.

Fangirling just can't be a priority, sadly. But I'm attempting to make time for it. Currently, I'm harassing my mom to let me go see the Jonas boys for a 3rd time in October. But, its not going so well :(

Neither is convincing a certain someone to write with me. *cough, cough* STACI *cough, cough* even though she's busier than I am.

I could probably write y'all a story in Spanish, though? Si, quieres? No? Okay, I'll get to writing English things...

Uh, anyways.

Speaking of my eight favorite boys. Who saw Jonas on tour this summer? I was at the boat party after the Holmdel show! How amazing, right? Joe walked right past me at the show, as well as Blanda and Wilmer! And I have SUPER AMAZING pictures and videos of all three boys (lifesize!) from the boat. It was magical. Then, just last Saturday, I saw This Is Us with a friend. We got SO many of the perfume samples. I did love the movie, however, I wished we could have seen more of the boys goofing off then performing AT ONE PLACE, they should have switched up the O2 center, MSG, and Mexico City, or put them all together. Other than that, no complaints about One Direction's movie.

But, I'm betting that Midnight Memories will come out before V, unfortunately, considering 1D just recently announced their new album date, whereas Jonas announced that they were working on the album in July of 2012 and now there are rumors of us not getting it until 2014. ugh!!!!

I guess I might be a Jonas afterall, considering we both make promises to have things out and postpone them for almost a year. Sorry! I won't use the "s" word (aka soon) for this, but I will say this: before Christmas, something new will be up. THAT I can promise.

Leave a comment for which story you want, or on the recent Jonas tours or even the 1D movie.

I'll get back to you before the yuletide season,


P.S. I do like other bands. Some of which include Creed, Breaking Benjamin, and Fall Out Boy to name a few.
September 14th, 2013 at 10:48pm