Forever and Always

When people say the word 'forever', what do you think of? Times beyond your life? Your children's lives? Grandchildren's? Maybe so... But, in truth, forever is not very long at all. You'd have to be one real creative person to figure that one out, though. Or a god. Or something.

Either way what's said is said and we shall carry on.

But the next time you hear the word 'forever', don't get scared. Or excited. Or angry. Or curious. Because forever is going on as we speak, right in front of your very eyes. And mine too.

There are a lot of things going on right now, and, like I said, forever is one of them. Each and every one of us each has limited time, and it is ticking by... Even though we don't really like to admit it. Well, my point is, every few seconds, another 'forever' is slipping by. And we should make the most of it. Take time to expirence things.

Why am I writing this blog, though?

Well, I was at my cousins house, and when we sat down for dinner, he started inhaling his food. Not tasting, just doing. And then I thought. What if people do that to their lives? Live them, but not draw expirence from it? With my knowledge of people, some probably do. So why not bring it to their attention?

This is with love, of course.
Forever and always,
September 16th, 2013 at 02:33am