everything you never wanted to know

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ~『✧~*ABOUT YOU*~✧』

1. Are you more feminine or masculine? it depends on the day, honestly. usually in-between.
2. Are you tall or short? I'm fucking 4'11 so uh, yeah, short
3. What’s your favorite color? teal and mauve
4. What do you love about yourself? er, working on that
5. What’s your greatest flaw? getting my feelings hurt really, really easily, anxiety
6. Do you see yourself differently than other people describe you? definitely
7. What are you really, really good at? listening to others/letting people vent through me
8. What’s something you’re bad at, but love? writing
9. What’s something people have tried to force you to do? meet people, be social, call someone on the phone, take medicine
10. How do you spend your free time? with my girlfriend mostly, reading, listening to music, writing
11. Describe the way you dress in one sentence. i got dressed with my eyes shut and grabbed whatever was clean off my floor (i'm not that gross i promise)
12. Have you ever gotten your nails professionally painted? nope, don't think i ever will
13. What is the most insulting thing anyone has said to you? when my step-father told me the reason i'm still sick and in pain is because i'm not trying hard enough to figure out why i'm sick/telling me it's all my fault
14. Favorite game? little big planet ^.^
15. What color is your hair? light brown


16. Do you believe in god? most days, no. but i was raised catholic from day 1 so i always have doubts I guess
17. Is men’s rights a thing? fuck no.
18. Does love really exist? yes
19. Can science explain everything, eventually? it's impossible to know or explain literally everything. there will always be mystery.
20. Are we raised into what we love, or do we come to love it based on how we were raised? i think its a mixture of both
21. How do you feel about the school system? I think it fails most kids honestly. i think it's used as a glorified daycare mostly, and I think it's wrong that not all education systems are equal throughout the country.
22. Do you believe in fate/destiny? i do actually, maybe not in the sense of fate literally being your end-all, but that little things are definitely meant to happen.
23. What is art? if you look at something and think "wow...." it's art
24. Do we define ourselves, or does our past? we define ourselves, always
25. What happens after we die? i have no idea
26. Do humans matter—tiny specs on a floating piece of rock in a solar 27. system in a galaxy in an infinite universe? i don't think humans matter in the grand scheme of the universe, but we matter in our own individual realities
28. Is there good in everyone? No.
29. Does apathy really exist? Definitely.
29. Is human life only valuable because our society makes it? No. Life is valuable to those who make it that way.
30. How do you feel about society, the vague “they” blamed for everything? society = patriarchy (ditto, hannah)


31. What gender do you prefer? girls girls girlssssss
32. What’s the first thing you notice about someone? i watch people's hands a lot when they talk so probably hands
33. Could you love someone you found ugly? the only time i find people ugly is if they are terrible people and i would never love a terrible person so no
34. Favorite hair color? black with reddish sun-streaks in it (gf's hair color)
35. Favorite eye color? deep brown, nearly black (gf's eye color)
36. Ideal height? my girlfriend is six feet tall so that i guess, i kinda like it cause i feel extra tiny and when we cuddle she engulfes me
37. Describe, personality-wise, what your ideal boy/girlfriend would be like? my girlfriend, she's smart and funny and kind hearted and easy going and fiercely protective and silly
38. Describe, appearance-wise, what your ideal boy/girlfriend would be like? my girlfriend, tall and tan skinned with wild black hair and dark eyes and a killer grin and strong hands and lean, long arms
39. What do you look for—brains or looks? neither are essential to me, a genuine personality is
40. Could you fall in love online? if there is honesty, then yes
41. How much of an age cap can you handle? probably no more than 8 or so years
42. How would you introduce yourself on a blind date? crying hysterically
43. Could you forgive a cheater? no. ultimate betrayal.
44. Is lying about something serious as bad as cheating? it depends on what it is, but most likely, as cheating is lying about something serious
45. Right now, you could call the person you like/love (if you aren’t dating/engaged/married already), or show up at their front door, and just confess or kiss them or whatever. What’s stopping you? honestly, yes. i am very fortunate as she lives right down the road.
September 16th, 2013 at 08:32am