I feel so guilty right now

Ookay so, I have decided to not go to school today. (I'm in college so I'm not really skipping kaaay). The reason for this day of not attending school starts long ago~ Well...Actually last monday. Anyway so I took the 9:12 bus to the station and then I had to get on the 9:30 express, both of which I had never taken before. When I got on that damn bus. It was so fucking crowded, and instead of the bus driver telling the extra people to get off of the bus, he just kept packing us in like tuna. So of course I was so packed in and too afraid to scream, "STOP THE BUS LEMME GET OFF I'LL TAKE THE NEXT ONE!" So the bus started moving and mind you I have never EVER stood up on a bus, and the day before I had hurt my knee, so I was still limping. Anyway the whole thing was just a terrible experience for me. I accidentally smacked some guy in the head and he growled and cursed at me even after I apologized (he wouldn't accept my apology either...) and I'm really sensitive, so I felt the fountain of tears coming on, so knowing that I was going to cry made me want to cry even more. And then to top it all off, the bus jerked and I fell on somebody. That guy was kind enough to not be upset and curse me out, but still i felt super embarrassed and miserable and after that day I actually marked it in my planner to never take the 9:30 express again.
So guess what bus is the only one that would get me to my school before 10:00 (which is when my class starts) the 9:30 express.

So I'm not going to school because I do not want to fall down on the bus or get cursed at or whatever. And I should not feel guilty because I know for a fact that I have nothing due today and I can do all of my work at home, so!

Okay? I amanadultandicandowhatiwant!!!!! (Yes that's the easy way out but guess what bus just left >:) (that's a >: face and a parentheses not a maniacal smiley face.)

Also I should probably take some assertiveness classes or leadership classes, I have a serious problem...

I mean, really I do have a problem and I need to start being bold and courageous and stop saying sorry to everyone.

So I am going to go watch the Mindy Project and eat ice cream and feel bad about how I didn't go to school because of a bus.
September 16th, 2013 at 03:14pm