Rants and Raves

So this is an old assignment my english teach. asked me to do, pretty happy with it, let me know what yall think.

Rants and Raves

I hate people that have no backbone. People should be able to stand up for themselves. I have to stand up for myself; I refuse to stand up for others all the time. It infuriates me. I won't always be around to stand up for everyone; they need to learn to do it themselves. No common sense, how in the world can you go through life without it. But some people do really stupid people. Watching people do stupid things because the little voice in their head that tells them "hey stupid your about to do something really stupid," is scared and shaking in the corner, just pisses me off. No one on earth can be that stupid. My personal bubble and I are very good friends, and only certain people are allowed in my bubble. But some people cling to me like cats to cat nip. I don’t like being touched, all my friends know that because they are the few people that can touch me and hug me. But then there are the others that don’t understand that when I say, “touch me and you die.” I’m not saying it for my health; I’m saying it for theirs. I don’t need people following me like sad little puppies. I loathe people clinging to me. Weak, just the word alone makes my blood boil. I am small, not weak. No one will ever call me weak and get away with it. The last person that called me weak got an elbow to the stomach and had a wonderful conversation with the ground. Bullies just drive me up walls; they just piss me off to no fucking end. I’m sorry but there is no way your life is so bad that you need to make other people feel terrible. Are you troubled? People are willing to help you. Or are you just that much of a jerk? Ok, so when you talk to people, you expect a response so you know that they heard you. Well when I talk to someone, I say what I want to say, then wait a few minutes and say it again, and when they don’t answer me I say their name, and I get bitched at. I feel attacked and I just sit there like what the fuck?! Attention grabbers and people that have self-pity, people that have to be the center of attention all the time and people that become the center of attention because they always look down on the world. They both drive me up walls and make me want to scream. Attention grabbers, the entire conversation has to be about them in some way. They act like they are so important that the world owes them something. Self-pity, it serves no purpose in this world and people that overly use it I just wanna slap them upside the head and tell them to wake the fuck up, and get the fuck over it. “Oh poor me, poor me, oh woe is me. I’m sorry but you need to sit down, shut up, stop looking down at life, and turn your life around. ‘Cuz’ no one is gonna’ do it for you. So suck it up! I hate it when people use “YOLO” as an excuse to drink and do drugs. That’s not what “YOLO” is about. Nor should it be used as a remark to everything said. If someone says “I just had some cheese,” that doesn’t mean you get to say, “YOLO” I wanna’ kill people that do that. Or at least knock them the fuck out. Just hang them from a tree… by their toe nails… and beat them… with a shovel.
High school drama, a lot of people care about it… I do not. It’d boring, pointless and serves absolutely no purpose. 30 years from now no one is going to care if someone had the same shoes as you, or the same dress, or whatever. Or if you’re jealous of someone for dating the guy you like. Just get over it. All drama does it make someone look or feel terrible. Seriously no one cares. At all. Ever. E- VERRRRR! High school, it’s awkward enough as it is. I don’t someone telling their personal information. ‘Cuz’ honestly, I don’t care and probably never will. When someone walks into the bathroom and just announces to me, “Hey wanna hear something great?” “Um not really….?” “Well my boobs are finally big enough to fit in the bras at Victoria’s Secret” I really don’t ‘wanna’ know that and I really don’t care. Thank you for making my day awkward as hell but sorry I’m not sorry that I don’t care. So football is a really big thing for a lot of people, it seems like it’s even a bigger deal in New Hampshire. But I just don’t care about it, I never have and I don’t care to sit there long enough to figure it out. I’m not one of those people that can sit there and stare at a T.V. for 2 plus hours and watch people run back and forth up and down a field. Come to think about it I don’t care for many sports, NASCAR being one of them. All I can think of when I hear NASCAR, is a Jeff Dunham special, “They’re makin’ a left turn, they’re makin’ another left turn” I mean no lie that’s what I think of when I hear NASCAR. People going around in circles to the left, I don’t understand how someone can, again, sit for 2 plus hours and watch people go around in circles. I’d rather watch my dog chase her tail before I watch NASCAR. Tacos, a random answer to many questions I’m asked. But the honest truth of it all is that I don’t know why I chose tacos. I don’t really have any connection to them. I just choose to say it instead of swearing in front of my little cousins. I don’t love tacos, nor do I hate them. My mom makes them for diner and that’s it. Tacos…… so yea….
Writing, exactly what I’m doing right now. I love to write. I can sit for hours to write pages upon pages of stories, poems, and letters. Through writing I can express, tell stories, vent, explain, and make sense of things that would otherwise be scrambled around in my head. Writing is just a passion of mine; it’s just something I love to do. Laying on my horses back, riding him in the paddock. Watching him run through the snow, snow being thrown into the air as he picks his cake plate sized feet. His mane and tail flowing as he runs. I love talking to my horse and just being around him. He has big shoulders for crying on, big ears that make him a great listener, and give great hugs. He’s my big black southern boy. I’ve read hundreds of books over my short time on this planet so far. I’ve finished 300 page books in a few days, sometimes less. I put my headphones in and I tune out the entire world to escape into a book and go on adventures without even leaving the bus or my room. Plugging in my headphones and blasting whatever I feel like. New Rivals, Nirvana, Rage Against The Machine, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Ramones, Slipknot, My Chemical Romance, whatever suits my mood at the time. The song flowing through my headphones, into my head, the lyrics curling bouncing and dancing with my mind. Playing with my dog, watching her run around outside. Ears pinned back, tail straight, as streamlined as she can get. It makes me laugh and smile when she plows into me and licks my face. When we are inside, she curls up on the couch with me, when I sleep she curls up in the covers with me. I am probably the only person that will admit that I spoon with my dog. There I said it! Sitting on the couch, while Bella lays next to me asleep, watching Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Vincent, Coraline, Alice in Wonderland, and all the other Tim Burton films I have. I love the way he draws and the stories that he bring with his characters. The dark fairy tales he weaves make him my favorite film makers and director. Being around him makes my heart race, being in his arms where I know I’m safe. The sweet cheesy things he says make my cheeks burn and sting red from the goof smile that I can’t hide. He comforts me and cares for me when I have nowhere to turn. I run to him to hide and have someone else pick up the pieces while getting hit with more verbal assaults and barrages. Finally someone to fight for me when all I have the energy to do it collapse to the floor and give up, he’ll pick me up put me back on my feet, and shield me form the world. He is my knight in shining armor.
September 17th, 2013 at 01:09am