Interview: little dove

I believe you know the drill by now. If you want to suggest an author for me to interview, go post it here. Please don't post it on the this blog. This is meant for the author that I'm interviewing at the moment.

Alright, on to the fun stuff. I got to interview the lovely little dove. I'm not going to post links here because there are links below for you to check out. Anyways, I read her story called Further, and fell in love with it in the first chapter. It's completed, but don't let that scare you off. It's something that I highly recommend along with her story Coffee Stains. Both of the stories seem to be tragic, but they are so very wonderful.

Instead of me just rambling on about how good her stories are, here are the questions for you to read:

1. What's the meaning behind your username?
-I really don't know. I was looking for a more mature feeling name because most of my usernames have been [insert] bunny, and then I heard little dove from something and I just fell in love with the way it sounded.

2. How long have you been on Mibba?
-Nearly five years, it'll be five November 10th. So, I've been here a pretty good while!

3. When did you start writing? Why?
-I started writing when I was little. First I stuck with poetry, I was always writing poems (even if they weren't the best, my mom always said they were amazing so ). I don't know why I started writing, I suppose I've just always had such a big imagination that it was only natural.

4. What are some of your stories and what are they about?
-My favorite stories that I've written are:
Cloudy Weather which was for a contest. It's a little one-shot about romance and regret.

Further is a really short tragic romance.

Coffee Stains is another tragic romance.

Which I seem to love writing. In both Further and Coffee Stains something happens to one of the people that makes life different in all kinds of ways. You don't know what you have until it's gone.

Iced Over is a fantasy/femmeslash/romance where a girl stumbles across a ghost and falls in love. The only way they can communicate is during winter or with notes during the rest of the year.

5. What's your inspiration for writing?
-My biggest inspiration are my friends. They keep me going when I don't think that I can anymore. If it weren't for them I don't know what I would do

6. What made you write Further?
-I was listening to a playlist that a friend sent me and I started to feel really sad. There were just certain lines that were said that made me wonder how would I feel if I lost my one and only?

7. Do you have any rituals when you write? If you listen to music, what do you listen to?
-I do have this one little thing where I have to talk myself into writing for a week until I can actually sit down and feel confident enough. Each day I have to tell myself what I'm going to write and how good it's going to be once it's actually finished.

8. What is your favorite genre to write about?
-Tragic romance! I don't know what, I've gotten into it so much lately that most of my stories that I have planned end very tragically in someway or another.

9. What's your favorite story to read on here?
-Anything by Fonsi especially Wallaby Way, Sydney and Juxtaposition. I also love Hina's, Megan's (psychotic secrets;), and Airi's stories. Airi has some of the best horror stories, and I love Megan's ghost stories! Hina has an amazing story about Crowley from Supernatural... talk about yum.

10. Which of your stories are the most fun to write?
-Iced Over is by far my most fun story to write, even though I haven't been posting like I should. Since I'm not writing in the typical chapter way, and it's something I've never wrote before (ghostxalive) it's just... it really makes me smile. Especially since when I first planned it, it had a completely different end. I was going to have Anna just be intrigued by the ghost, which in the end was actually going to be her. But I like the way I'm going now.

11. Which of your stories are the hardest to write?
-My horror stories are the hardest ones to write. I don't know if it's just me, but adding just the right amount of suspense without going too overboard is ridiculously hard. Especially since I don't want to fall into a few of those cliche horror-twists.

12. Do you ever run into writer's block? What do you do to get over it?
-I practically live in writer's block. I try not to rush it, usually I'll go on a music listening spree or I'll ask a friend to help find an interesting prompt/image. Having some else bring something up that I may have overlooked really helps get the creative juices flowing.

13. Is there any authors on here that inspire you to write?
-Boy would we be here forever if I listed them all. Every author on Mibba inspires me to write. Especially the ones who are able to update their stories weekly or more than twice monthly. They are just so dedicated to their work that it's awe-worthy.

14. Do you research what you write?
-Yes. I do all kinds of research, even if I know that it isn't going to be mentioned in the story. I like to know what I'm talking about, even though stories don't have to be 100% factual, I try my hardest.

15. Do you like to experiment with your writing?
-Absolutely, even I didn't I would never have known that I love writing tragic-romance. I would have kept writing my little happy-silly romances that I felt were going nowhere even though I had a solid plot in my head.

16. Are there any authors that inspire you? (novels, books, etc.)
-Stephen King is my biggest inspiration. I was raised on his movies, and I started reading his books when I was twelve. He's always been able to pull the demons from the deepest crevices of hell and bring them to life. Especially with a book called Rose Madder. I adore that book.

17. Is there anything that you would like to say to your readers?
-Thank you guys so very much for being so patient with me, and for being so very kind! I'm so lucky to have been able to have captured your attention, I don't know how I did it, but I hope that I can be able to continue to entertain you.


I know that I have already thanked you, but still I'm absolutely grateful that you agreed to let me interview you. It means a lot to me.
September 18th, 2013 at 05:27pm