Update Waiting Room

I’m trying to get writing done and updates story, but process is slow. Since I’m going to see Avenged Sevenfold in Chicago. I’ve been working every hour I can get since, according to my parents, the trip is on my expense. So when there’s time off I try to get writing done. So updates will come as soon as possible, as well as new stories. Soon stay with me. Stay subscribed. I promise that the wait will be worth it I swear.

*SPOILER ALERT* Some updates will have sex scenes in it.

So, like I said, stay with me.
But also, thank you for the love you have already given me. I appreciate every bit of it.

I know the title of this blog sounds lame, but I didn't know what else to name it.

Pocky signing out.
September 18th, 2013 at 06:50pm