
I hope I am not the only one who feels like this. Because that would SUCK..

Be yourself!! Don't let ANYBODY tell you otherwise. We are ALL individuals, we ALL have/are entitled to our own opinion. I get told almost EVERYDAY that the music I listen to sucks and that nobody likes it. I DO!! HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT OF THAT!? I have feelings and so does EVERYBODY else in this world. Respect that because I bet you wouldn't be to happy if I told you that what you liked/did was stupid or that everybody hated it. I AM DIFFERENT SO WHAT!?!? Treat people the way YOU want to be treated because I have NO problem treating you how you treat me or anybody else!!!

What you do, listen to, watch, etc SHOULD NOT define who you are!!! NOBODY IS PERFECT OBVIOUSLY. We aren't aliens or robots. (If you are I mean no offence.) We can't do everything right 100% of the time.

If you think you can then GET A REALITY CHECK!!! So remember HATERS GONNA HATE!!! Like what you like. Listen to what you listen to. Be who you want to be. Watch what you what to watch. Believe in what you believe in. And NEVER EVER stop loving yourself.

September 20th, 2013 at 01:52am