Bugs are gross.

Look at these fuckers.

We leave the dogs open for the dogs, and I didn't think about it being so warm out today compared to the rest of the week, and now they are e v e r y w h e r e. And they always fly on you and run into you, and they hurt. Seriously, I've been hit in the face by a few and it's simultaneously disgusting and painful.

They're stink bugs, by the way.

They sound like mini helicopters.

I hate them so much.

But there was a caterpillar climbing on the door frame and it was super cute. All fuzzy-like and such. I don't have a picture of that one.

In that picture up there ^ the photo on the fridge is of the dog, in case you were wondering. She fell asleep in my sister's bed, and her face was just too beautiful not to document. It's been up for a really long time now.

September 20th, 2013 at 07:44pm